Fourth quarter 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 9 00:50:57 PDT 2017
Ending: Sun Dec 24 19:46:10 PST 2017
Messages: 363
- Dramatic SFB: Time to log in and join!
Jean Robert Babineau
- Dramatic SFB: Tech help
Randy Blair
- Dramatic SFB: Final Turn Scores
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Situation
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Early Voting Counts
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Ship selection
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation Ready to Advance.
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation is ready to Advence
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation ready to advance
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Great Gorn Confederation (GGC) Report
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: (no subject)
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Great Gorn Confederation is ready to advance
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation is ready to advance
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation (GGC) Report
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation is ready to advance
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Rules and purchases
Roch Chartrand
- Dramatic SFB: Long response
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: T-Bombs
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Leaky shields
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Vote
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Race preference
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Race pick
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Bunch of questions
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Player list
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: ISC Ready to advance
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Player list (please update)
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Please contact me
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Rule regarding disengagement
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Year 174 (1) Results for Galactic Enforcers (I.S.C.)
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: ISC Ready to advance
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign report for Summer of Y174
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Galactic Enforcers expected turn
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: ISC battle for this turn
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Questions regarding rules and Interface
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Scenario #194: Organian Treaty
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Turn completed for the Galactic Encounters
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Are we there yet?
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Buying Star Fleet Battles material
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Thanks
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Rules and purchases
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Looking for a fight
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Next turn?
Daniel Crispin
- Dramatic SFB: Thanks for the Fun
Peter S. DiMitri
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 2
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 3
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 9
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 11
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 12
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 14
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 2
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 4
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 8
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 10
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 11, Issue 2
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 11, Issue 7
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 11, Issue 8
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 13, Issue 2
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: (no subject)
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 14, Issue 2
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 14, Issue 2
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 14, Issue 3
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 15, Issue 1
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 15, Issue 2
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Abvance
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Vudar ready to advance
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Vudar ready to advance
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Invader's Scenarios
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Hydran encounters
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Questions regarding rules and Interface
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Turn completed for the Galactic Encounters
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Turn completed for the Galactic Encounters
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Morey Eel of space #239
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Morey Eel of space #239
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Temporary Family Difficulty
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Battle Report: #182 Battle over Karbani's Rock
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Buying Star Fleet Battles material
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Monster E6.4
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Rules and purchases
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Rules and purchases
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Anything left out there?
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: (S8.3) Deployment Patterns, escorts, and Interceptors.
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Lyran, Kzinti battle #239
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Happy holidays
Gregory Flusche
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Situation
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Player list?
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Ship selection
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Carnivon Ready to HUNT
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: A practice round
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: A practice round
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Rule regarding disengagement
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Carnivon action
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Tholian attack on Vudar 1
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Drones Catnip and Liquor encounter orders
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Tech help
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Remaining scenarios
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Anything left out there?
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: Happy holidays
Michael Helbig
- Dramatic SFB: I don’t care much, but...
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: Federation 69th Border Squadron Activation
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: 69th Border Enforcement Squadron Ready to Advance
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: 69th Border Enforcement Squadron
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: 69th Border Enforcement Squadron
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid 160 / Ready to Advance
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Advance
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: 69th Border Enforcement Squadron
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: Tweaks
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: 69th Border Enforcement Squadron Quarterly Report
Pat Hogan
- Dramatic SFB: Can I take Frax?
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: questions on income
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Frax ready to advance
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Frax battles
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Frax/Andro Planetary Bombardment #73
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Frax battles resolved - ready to advance
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Fraxian empire ready to advance
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Fraxian empire ready to advance
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: so what battles are left for the turn?
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Free Trader drone control on convoy raid?
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Fraxian empire ready to advance
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: fraxian empire orders submitted
Jarod Ikeda
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Situation
- Dramatic SFB: List Archives
- Dramatic SFB: Fleet limits
- Dramatic SFB: Early Voting Counts
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
- Dramatic SFB: Fwd: Early Voting Counts
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 2
- Dramatic SFB: Time to log in and join!
- Dramatic SFB: Just about ready!
- Dramatic SFB: Player list?
- Dramatic SFB: Ship selection
- Dramatic SFB: will go Kzinti
- Dramatic SFB: Here we go!
- Dramatic SFB: Ship selection
- Dramatic SFB: Bunch of questions
- Dramatic SFB: Ship selection
- Dramatic SFB: Player Positions
- Dramatic SFB: Kzintis ready to advance
- Dramatic SFB: questions on income
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 10
- Dramatic SFB: Remaining Orders
- Dramatic SFB: Rule regarding disengagement
- Dramatic SFB: subject line messages
- Dramatic SFB: Tholian Troll
- Dramatic SFB: Any battles still ongoing?
- Dramatic SFB: Galactic Incursion #84
- Dramatic SFB: Battle Status
- Dramatic SFB: So what now?
- Dramatic SFB: Ship Names
- Dramatic SFB: Vudar Colony vs Tholian Raid
- Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV
- Dramatic SFB: Waiting for the orders of....
- Dramatic SFB: Tholian battles
- Dramatic SFB: Questions regarding rules and Interface
- Dramatic SFB: Morey Eel of space #239
- Dramatic SFB: Temporary Family Difficulty
- Dramatic SFB: Buying Star Fleet Battles material
- Dramatic SFB: Scenario Rules
- Dramatic SFB: Monster E6.4
- Dramatic SFB: Rules and purchases
- Dramatic SFB: Anything left out there?
- Dramatic SFB: (S8.3) Deployment Patterns, escorts, and Interceptors.
- Dramatic SFB: Next turn?
- Dramatic SFB: Vote
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Advance
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Player list (please update)
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Advance
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Great Green Gorn Ready to Go
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Advance
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Abvance
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Great Green Gorn Battles
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Scenario Rules
Paul Meyer
- Dramatic SFB: Final Turn Scores
Ann Monaghan
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
Ann Monaghan
- Dramatic SFB: T-Bombs
Ann Monaghan
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
Ann Monaghan
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Situation
Ann Monaghan
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Situation
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Time to log in and join!
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Time to log in and join!
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Player list (please update)
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Who's left?
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: so what battles are left for the turn?
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Vudar Colony vs Tholian Raid
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Vudar ready to advance
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Vudar ready to advance
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Vudar ready to advance
Steven Pow
- Dramatic SFB: Dramatic SFB Ready to Advance
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: SM 13.0 banshees
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: SM 13.0 Banshees
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: SFB Dramatic Orders
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Monsters
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Advance
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Empire, County, and Ship names.
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Freighters
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Channels
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Advance
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Flaming Rage Lyrans
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Tugs, Pods
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid #190
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Morey Eel of space #239
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: #239 Moray Eel of space
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Monster E6.4
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: #239 Lyran vs Kzinti
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: (S8.3) Deployment Patterns, escorts, and Interceptors.
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Lyran, Kzinti battle #239
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Happy holidays
Wayne Power
- Dramatic SFB: Voting: Big Jim
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Signed up
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Player list?
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: will go Kzinti
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: turn 0?
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Kzintis ready to advance
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Drones Catnip and Liquor ready to advance
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Who's left?
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Drones Catnip and Liquor orders
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Any battles still ongoing?
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Drones, Catnip and Liquor ready to advance
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Drones, Catnip and Liquor ready to advance
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Freighters 2
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Drones, Catnip and Liquor ready to advance.
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Drone Speed Costs
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: Drones Catnip and Liquor encounter orders
Bram Rogers
- Dramatic SFB: SUMO VOTES
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: The New Dramatic War
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: turn 0
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Player list (please update)
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Remaining Orders
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: A practice round
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Scenario 66
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Any battles still ongoing?
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Epic battle 62 Klingon attack on SAM and Planet Ter'r-ain'
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: the turn
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: turn
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Results
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: So what now?
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: HyDrAnS .....what day is it ?
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Hydran encounters
Glenn Somerfield
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Abvance
Boyd Steere
- Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV
Boyd Steere
- Dramatic SFB: Territorial Marking Fleet (Kzinti) report, Turn 4, Y175
Boyd Steere
- Dramatic SFB: Questions regarding rules and Interface
Boyd Steere
- Dramatic SFB: Questions regarding rules and Interface
Boyd Steere
- Dramatic SFB: Temporary Family Difficulty
Boyd Steere
- Dramatic SFB: Buying Star Fleet Battles material
Boyd Steere
- Dramatic SFB: On the Starting Year
- Dramatic SFB: Voting
- Dramatic SFB: In
- Dramatic SFB: Keep me as Klingon
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
- Dramatic SFB: 900 pt Income?!
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
- Dramatic SFB: DSF ready to advance
- Dramatic SFB: DSF Ready to advance
- Dramatic SFB: The Deep Space Fleet
- Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid
- Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid #160 Complete
- Dramatic SFB: DSF Ready to Advance
- Dramatic SFB: DSF ready to advance
- Dramatic SFB: Era vote
a88mph at
- Dramatic SFB: Spreadsheet comparing Income and EP rewards
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Fleet limits
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Voting
david at
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 2
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Player name
david at
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 11, Issue 6
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Battle Status
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Banshees
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Banshees
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Results
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Ship Names
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid 160
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Colony Raid 156? Also Convoy Raid 160 Battle Report
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Seeking weapon channels for freighters
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Tholian attack on Vudar 1
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Barbarians at the Gate Status
david at
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 17, Issue 6
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Battle Report: #182 Battle over Karbani's Rock
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Klingon Convoy Defended
david at
- Dramatic SFB: Final Turn Scores
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Tweaks
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6
- Dramatic SFB: Campaign Situation
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 9
- Dramatic SFB: Fwd: Early Voting Counts
- Dramatic SFB: Ship selection
- Dramatic SFB: Ship selection
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation Ready to Advance.
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 10
- Dramatic SFB: 900 pt Income?!
- Dramatic SFB: Who's left?
- Dramatic SFB: SFBOL question
- Dramatic SFB: Rule regarding disengagement
- Dramatic SFB: Rule regarding disengagement
- Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 13, Issue 2
- Dramatic SFB: (no subject)
- Dramatic SFB: So what now?
- Dramatic SFB: Scenarios
- Dramatic SFB: Fraxian empire ready to advance
- Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid 160 / Ready to Advance
- Dramatic SFB: DSF Ready to Advance
- Dramatic SFB: HyDrAnS .....what day is it ?
- Dramatic SFB: Flaming Rage Lyrans
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation (GGC) Report
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation (GGC) Report
- Dramatic SFB: Tech help
- Dramatic SFB: Temporary Family Difficulty
- Dramatic SFB: Buying Star Fleet Battles material
- Dramatic SFB: Thanks
- Dramatic SFB: Scenario Rules
- Dramatic SFB: Buying Star Fleet Battles material
- Dramatic SFB: Rules and purchases
- Dramatic SFB: Looking for a fight
- Dramatic SFB: (S8.3) Deployment Patterns, escorts, and Interceptors.
- Dramatic SFB: Next turn?
- Dramatic SFB: Early Voting Counts
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Time to log in and join!
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Time to log in and join!
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Time to log in and join!
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Advance
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Player list (please update)
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: A practice round
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: A practice round
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: SFBOL question
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: SFBOL question
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Kzinti Admiral
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Andromedans ready to advance....
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Frax battles resolved - ready to advance
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to advance
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Invasion continues, Andos ready to advance
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Scenarios
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Convoy Raid 160 / Ready to Advance
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Colony Raid 156? Also Convoy Raid 160 Battle Report
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Freighters 2
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Ready to Advance
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Flaming Rage Lyrans
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Invader's scenarios
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Invader's Scenarios
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation (GGC) Report
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Temporary Family Difficulty
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Scenario#180
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Remaining scenarios
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Buying Star Fleet Battles material
joshua s
- Dramatic SFB: Looking for a fight
joshua s
Last message date:
Sun Dec 24 19:46:10 PST 2017
Archived on: Wed Aug 10 11:01:29 PDT 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).