Dramatic SFB: Questions regarding rules and Interface

Boyd Steere boydsteere at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 09:07:31 PST 2017

Hi, Daniel:

Having just gone through a setup of the Organian Treaty Colony scenario, I
can share a few things that I learned from Matt through Q&A:

*1. I have never used a Tug before.  How does it work for movement?  Do I
need to add movement costs if pods are attached?  In this case i will have
a GSA (ground based attached to the turn as per scenario specifications)
and a second pod.*

The GSA is attached to the Tug according to G14.74.  Two small ground bases
have the same movement cost as a single pod.  I was planning on running my
tug with a movement cost of 1.125 and manually adjusting my tug's EAF to
account for the 1/8 extra movement cost of the GSA in its notes.  But Matt
might specify that you have to round up to the full pod cost of 1/4 if
you're carrying one small ground base.  I'll defer to Matt about attaching
a second pod to the tug carrying the GSA.

*2. The interface for guard assignment is super clunky.  You can't see
where the guards are and there is no way to check if you forgot something.
Can I simply make a log with all my commanders options and guard assignment
and share it at the end of the fight?*

Yes, the interface for assigning guards is clunky using the SSD's with the
numbered 'progress bar' icons instead of clusters of individual boxes like
the tournament players get.  You just have to grind through this once,
store the ships using the Utilities/Export Pieces function, then load them
up again before battle using the Utilities/Import Orders function and never
have to worry about it again.  The client's resolution system for H&R's
depends on the guards being allocated this way, but maybe you can just
agree with your opponent to do it manually with logs.

*3. The scenario specifies that I need to use a tug, and non-combat version
if possible.  Can I use my normal fleet tug and attach 1 battle pod to it?
The other slot needs to be used for the GSA.*

I'm guessing that the scenario comes with a non-combat tug whether you bid
your normal fleet tug and battle pod or not.  I'll defer to Matt on whether
you can put the GSA on your normal tug or put the battle pod on the
non-combat tug before the battle starts.

- Boyd

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 4:20 PM Daniel Crispin via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> I am preparing my battle for tomorrow and I have a few questions regarding
> some of the things I need to do.
>    1. I have never used a Tug before.  How does it work for movement?  Do
>    I need to add movement costs if pods are attached?  In this case i will
>    have a GSA (ground based attached to the turn as per scenario
>    specifications) and a second pod.
>    2. The interface for guard assignment is super clunky.  You can't see
>    where the guards are and there is no way to check if you forgot something.
>    Can I simply make a log with all my commanders options and guard assignment
>    and share it at the end of the fight?
>    3. The scenario specifies that I need to use a tug, and non-combat
>    version if possible.  Can I use my normal fleet tug and attach 1 battle pod
>    to it?  The other slot needs to be used for the GSA.
> Daniel
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