Dramatic SFB: Bunch of questions

Daniel Crispin calendyr at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 21 19:21:24 PDT 2017

Ok, so before I build my fleet, can the rules be clarified on all that was discussed?

For instance:

  1.  How will weapon status be determined?  Are we going with a roll as last campaign with a bonus for scouts and attacking?  Or are there new rules?
  2.  I see Frax were allowed again in the campaign, can we build conjectural units then?
  3.  I want to build a Monitor, I cannot find it in the build ship list.  Bug?
  4.  How do I buy the fighters for my ships that carry them?
  5.  How are borders working?  Same as last campaign or is there a new system in place to open and close them?
  6.  What year are we starting at?  174 as we talked about?
  7.  How is the command rating gonna work this time around?  Do we have a limit on what we can send based on scenario?
  8.  Are we still using hidden T-Bomb deployment from shuttle hatch?

That's all I can think of right now.

Yet to be named ISC empire

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