Dramatic SFB: Scenario 66

Glenn Somerfield glenns134 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 30 20:22:21 PDT 2017

7 Frax Free Trader escorted by  CC, 2 DW's and a DWSwere met space by a Hydran Raid attack force of a D7H, SC, BAR, TR and a HN

WS rolls seal the fate of the Hydran drawing a WS2, to the Frax WS3, having only 4 for the 8 fighters available until T2. 
The first wave of drones ,from ships and SP's was about 70. All Frax running an ECM'r and some power to ECM, many at 9/0.  Hydran at 6/0 across the board, fighters at 4/4. The mass SP's, 10 i believe at 5 drn each, cause the Hydran to Slip at a perpendicular line to the Ft's who turn 180' and truck away. T2 drones start coming in and get knocked down one by one by the 4 fighters running around the fleet, one pulse at a time. The other 4 Stings are let out right when the belly of the the drone volley is close, being sent out without chaff, due to WS Deck Crew restriction. The Frax fleet remained at a range around 20 between the FT's and the Hydran Fleet, with the DWS shadowed another 4 or 5 hexes away. 
At the start of T3, the Ft's were at a range of 45, Frax fleet in the middle, and i cannot gain speed and prepare an offense at this range before turn 7. So the Hydran Fleet turned and Ended the Raid. A Good Game to Fraxian Jarod, I know more to follow. 

Sumo Hyrdran glenn
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