Dramatic SFB: Scenario #194: Organian Treaty

Daniel Crispin calendyr at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 08:35:29 PST 2017

The Galactic Enforcers have decided to withdraw from the contest to establish a colony on the Organian world.

In the spirit of peace, we will let the Pavarian government establish a colony there.  There has clearly been a misunderstanding on who should control this world, and we do not want to go against the

will of the Organians for peace in the galaxy by fighting our neighbour in the name of the Organians.

So the ISC-DN-01 Peacemaker and it's fleet has been recalled to homeworld.  May the Pavarian flourish on this new colony of theirs.

President Calendyr

Galactic Enforcers (I.S.C.)

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