Dramatic SFB: Drone speeds and BPV

joshua s badreligiontrk07 at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 1 21:43:42 PST 2017

Is this just a database entry? I have the time to punch a couple thousand numbers in. Assuming it’s as simple as just time needed. Though this assumes it’s just simple addition for the drone ships.


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> On Dec 1, 2017, at 6:03 PM, David via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> No problem, I didn't know if I was doing the calculations wrong, if there was an setting that had medium drones as costing 1 point instead of a half or something else. If the BPVs are hard coded then I can certainly understand why changing them would be time consuming and out of the picture indefinitely. I was just trying to resolve fitting my fleet builds into the BPV I have to spend this turn. 
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