Dramatic SFB: Epic battle 62 Klingon attack on SAM and Planet Ter'r-ain'

Glenn Somerfield glenns134 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 7 19:22:06 PST 2017

the D5 kept a spd of 15 most turns 24 turns of a D5 using every ability and arcs on its DISRdont think there was a turn he didnt fire at either the SAM, SC or KNarp 11 int on the SAM, however when firing on the SAM, he was getting too close to the KN, and the SC for EW protectioni think i fired 9 rounds of HB's usually gettting 1 to hit, at least twice nothing....fired most at R15 or several at +16.didnt use the phasers but twice to keep my power good on ew an spdThe KN ran 20 most the whole game always thinking 2 drones and a SP were ready for me any impulsehad a shuttle fleet of 21, set up in a oval bout 8 hexes long that eat one SP for lunch and kept a dist of 8-10 from SAM in line of the D5

so for 22 of the 24 turns, 2 turns to set up the plan, I dove in and out every other turn with HB's, while the D5 did the same every turn with long range DISRthe D5 finally disengaged the attack when shields 2/4/5 were at 4
Thank you David for Great Game.

HyDrAn ready to advance 
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