Dramatic SFB: Vudar Colony vs Tholian Raid

Steven Pow steven.pow at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 16:14:15 PST 2017

Man, sounds like your Vudar player kind of stinks!

On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Matthew via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> The Vudar fleet of a CL, DD, FF, and police flagship, began the game in
> orbit around a heavily fortified colony. The Tholian fleet warped in at a
> range of 27; A DD squadron, frigate-based scout, and Armed Web Tended. The
> Tholians elected to take the time to form a globe at that range, which
> explains why everyone began at weapon status 3.
> Expecting withering Ph-IV fire, the Tholians left their webbed-fort and
> began laying a line of web towards the colony. A Web Anchor Bouy was left
> to anchor the back of the line and the web was pushed forward by a single
> destroyer. Thus the defenses could only ever fire at one ship and that ship
> was a heavily shielded destroyer. The Scout stayed in the fort, clouding
> subspace around that one lead ship.
> The Vudar continued to orbit their planet. Nobody fired.
> For three turns, this happened. The Tholians advanced under web, the Vudar
> circled their planet. The Tholians placed the end of their line at range 15
> to the colony and anchored it with a second anchor bouy. That ended turn 3.\
> On the fourth turn, the Vudar broke orbit. The began forming up
> perpendicular to the Tholian advance, but could not go too fast because of
> their previous speeds.
> The Tholian scout, realizing that the fleet is beginning to get near the
> end of it's range, exited the fort. It took over the anchor duties of the
> rear bouy, which deactivated it, and then allowed the web to collapse down
> to the second anchor. This made it easier to reinforce the web and also
> meant that the laid web could be taken in a different direction. The scout
> emptied it's shuttle bay and then took on the bouy.
> The AWT began taking on the web-generation duties. It extended the line to
> range 11 from the colony. The squadron is just behind the web and has been
> discharging it's overloaded disruptors menacingly.
> The Vudar fleet has formed up in such a fashion that they may intend to
> hook around the existing web to hit the ships that the colony cannot hit.
> The Tholians look to be extending the web in such a fashion that short
> sallies will allow them to destroy bases, but are otherwise free of
> reprisals from that direction.
> --Matt
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