Dramatic SFB: (S8.3) Deployment Patterns, escorts, and Interceptors.

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Thu Dec 14 04:33:32 PST 2017

Matt,using (S8.0) Patrol Scenarios Conditions and Restriction in the Campaign, can the Players use the (S8.317) rule.The first two Pallets I am purchasing in the next build are, the Lyran Troop Transport Pallet,  and the Lyran Cargo Pallet.I was thinking of getting an FFA to escort the Lyran TGC, and perhaps another escort ship that can be placed in a convoy defence scenario, or a FRD/Repair ship scenario.
I can also purchase Interceptors Y176, but it does not look like the Mech-Link refit on the Lyran ships is available till Y178. It does say in (R11.R3) There is some indication that a very few ships were fitted with mech-links to operate interceptors, but it is unclear if this was done after PFs were invented (to practice operational techniques) or prior toY178.

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