Dramatic SFB: Campaign Situation

Steven Pow steven.pow at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 18:27:36 PDT 2017

Any era would be fine with me- they all have unique, interesting things
going on that would make them good experiences.


On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Matthew via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Thank you all, who have enjoyed the last campaign(s) and said so. I
> appreciate your comments.
> I have not yet officially closed down the last campaign: you can still log
> in and see things there. But I will be closing it down anytime in the next
> week or two.
> I have some administrative things to do before I'm ready for the next
> campaign to begin. Mostly it's adding tog-pods to the database and editing
> the scenarios in the planned ways I've mentioned earlier.
> That being said, I think I'm willing to begin building the list of empire
> picks and build a consensus on the era to play in. Some players have
> already done so, but I have thusfar taken it informally. The first thing I
> need, which may impact empire choices, is what era we are playing in.
> Again, those eras are:
> General War (GW) era: this starts in Y169 +/- 3 years.
> Late-War era starts at the introduction of PFs: Y180 +/- 2 years.
> Early Year era (EY): This starts at Y130 +/- 10 years.
> Dawn of Warp era: This starts at Y60 +/- 10 years.
> I can vary how many turns are played per technological year and limit the
> maximum size-class allowed. Generally there isn't much call to limit the
> game to (say) destroyers, so I hadn't on planned on changing it from where
> it was last game. The era we decide on will affect the number of turns per
> year, as some eras are very slow technologically and others are much faster.
> Frank had voted for the EY era, but bowed out because of family issues. I
> will cast a vote in his favor, thinking he may be ready to come back by the
> time we are ready to physically start the campaign.
> --Matt
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