Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 10, Issue 2

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Thu Oct 19 19:11:08 PDT 2017

I've got about half of the players in. Where's the rest of you guys?

Present and accounted for are:
Paul: Gorn
Glenn: Hydran
Greg: Paravian
Josh: Andromedan
Roch: Gorn
David: Klingon
Micheal: Carnivon

I'm in there, but waiting on how the empires rattle out. I'll probably 
be some mix of Seltorian, WYN, Vudar, or Tholian. Depending on what is 
finally picked.

I note that Gorn are all filled up. So Daniel, who hasn't yet officially 
joined the player-list, will get ISC or Romulan.

Also empire picks can still be changed, up until about half a day before 
/Der Tag/. I hope to start things this weekend, but that depends on how 
many have joined the game.

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