Dramatic SFB: Hydran encounters

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 09:33:57 PST 2017

Jagdstaffel-2 (Paravian) Sorry but the *Rittmeister
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rittmeister> was on a hunting trip and
injured his leg. *

*The border with the Great Green Gorns was uneventful. As The  * *Rittmeister
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rittmeister> new that the Gorns would be
refitting there ships with there new type F torps. We did allow the Great
Green Gorns to get there scintific probes from around a gas giant in sector
171. *

*As for the Great Gorn Confederation We have felt that aggression on our
part would not be beneficial for the *Jagdstaffel-2  at this time.

*That leaves the upstart ISC. There guise of being a peace loving **society
as been exposed. For what it is a **expansionist* * empire. The Organians
brokered that treaty for us to have that planet in sector 194. Now the ISC
have sent a tug with a pod and there DN to take what is ours. This will not
be tolerated. Combat will be given. The brave crews of our ships will take
on the ISC even outnumbered as they are. *

*Our exploration crews have detected a new race on our borders. A moray eal
is heading for there planet. I hope that they can defeat this monster. I am
hoping new chances for (raiding) i mean trade will open up for us. *

On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 10:26 AM, Glenn Somerfield via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> 3 workable scenarioes
> 1  The Morey Eel of Space #181
> This encounter will be dropped with no resolution.
> 2  Terrain Defense with Ground Combat (Klingon) #182
> D5  v  KN
> Red Alert !!!
> 3  Cargo Tug (Klingon) #183
> D5  F5B  v  D7H  HN
> Red Alert !!!
> 4  Convoy Raid #184
> The The Hydran Hawkmen (Hydran) has successfully defended the scenario.
> 5  Planetary Bombardment #185
> The The Hydran Hawkmen (Hydran) has successfully defended the scenario.
> 6  The Planet Crusher #186
> The Sinister Squamates (Vudar) has successfully defended the scenario.
> 7  Space Boars #187
> The Fraxian Empire (Frax) has successfully defended the scenario.
> 8  Terrain Defense with Ground Combat (Frax) #188
> Overwhelming force is present.
> CC  2xCW  DWS  CA  v  TR  SR
> I Withdraw from this field.
> 9  Colony Raid #189
> The Empire Name (Lyran) has successfully defended the scenario.
> 10  Convoy Raid  (Lyran) #190
> 2xDW  v  ERL  SC
> Red Alert !!!
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