Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6

ken kengulnar73 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 11 22:06:13 PDT 2017

Yes, we used that rule, which resulted in half to 2/3 of the mines going off the first movement, and the rest on the second move ...

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-------- Original message --------
From: Matthew via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> 
Date: 10/12/2017  12:14 AM  (GMT-05:00) 
To: sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org 
Subject: Re: Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 9, Issue 6 

> We also had a campaign fleet battle where this person had all 12 of 
> his ships drop tbombs in the same hex

There's already rules in place in SFB to deal with many mines in a hex 
(M2.44). In summary, the best case is where the lowest of 
number-of-units or number-of-mines are the number of explosions.

Dramatic SFB campaign chatter list
SFBdrama at lists.mattnet.org
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