Dramatic SFB: Rules and purchases

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Mon Dec 11 04:48:01 PST 2017

> Regarding the ISC specific rules I had read them when I saw that the 
> prices in the database were not the same as on the SSDs and Master 
> Ship Chart.

You are probably running into the cost for those refits I mentioned. For 
example, the most modern ISC CL at this year is the "CL-r", at 137 BPV. 
It is noted in the ISC section of the "Available Empires" section of the 
campaign rules, "/Refits:/ The ISC "r" refit shows a ship that is 
missing the rear-firing plasma (R13.R2)." (R13.R2) points out that the 
rear-firing Plasma are worth 2 BPV each. The CL has four of these (2 per 
side). The CL is listed as145 BPV in my Master Ship Chart. So, 145 less 
8 is 137. You'll find that a "CL-r" is 137 BPV in the campaign software.

In Y179, when those plasma are installed, a bog-standard CL can be 
purchased for 145 BPV.

>  As for PPDs, I have not seen anything regarding them not being 
> available depending on date.

Over the years, I have not found a satisfactory answer to the PPD 
introduction or it's cost *in the ISC section of rules*. I have, 
however, found a listing in (R1.R2), where it lays out the changes to 
ISC bases for earlier years (middle years and forward.) I included that 
section in the cut&paste of the ISC refits, specifically for that reason.

> I do have a question regarding carrier uses and their escorts.

I don't have Module G3A, so I can't vouch for the quality of the carrier 
tables found there. I used the escort tables found in section R. But our 
case is simpler than that: we are using the "Flexible Carrier Escorts" 
of (S8.315).

The only concern I can see people going to, is that the software notes 
carriers as carrying certain fighters but for space reasons does not 
list amount of fighters. Here, I calculated the costs based on the 
amount of fighters listed in the same escort tables previously 
mentioned. If in doubt, check your SSD, as the proportions are generally 
the same (assault and superiority) from earlier fighters up to the ones 
presented on the SSD.

> So as for needed modules, I went through the list on one of the 
> websites and think these are the ones I should get:

Module M is a good buy. I'm very happy having gotten it. (And passage 
combat makes for an interesting side-game.)

I have not picked up Module P6. There is some value in there, as it 
introduces some wacky rules, but my gaming group is more interested in 
the straight-forward stuff.

Module C6 was also a good buy. However, it only has those two empires 
and presents them in a "What If" situation of "had they survived their 
extinctions...." If you want just the real empires, then this is not for 

> I did not see module C4 or C5 in the list, so if they exist I might 
> want to grab them too.

C5 is the magellenics, if I recall correctly. We won't use them in this 
campaign (but I might pick them up in order to play a magellenics 
version of this campaign format.) Not much need to get that right now.

C4 is an alright buy. It adds a bunch of empires and a slew of wacky 
rules. The most popular of the empires in there are the Frax (which 
occasionally surface in this campaign. Pun intended.) Fortunately, the 
Frax don't have much for wacky add-on rules until you get into their 

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