Dramatic SFB: Bunch of questions
matt at mattnet.org
Sat Oct 21 20:14:59 PDT 2017
> We just build ships this turn then start fighting in the next?
Yes. We've discussed this before the campaign start, and the consensus
was to build your own fleets.
> 1. How will weapon status be determined? Are we going with a roll as
> last campaign with a bonus for scouts and attacking? Or are there
> new rules?
I know there was some discussion towards going back to the fixed Weapon
Status. As I understand it, there was no consensus to change things. If
you guys would like to go back to a system where the Weapon Status was
fixed on a scenario-basis (typically used to balance the starting
conditions a bit), then I can set that up.
Currently, we are still using the random WS chart.
> 1. I see Frax were allowed again in the campaign, can we build
> conjectural units then?
No. Conjectural units are not allowed in this campaign. For purposes of
allowing empires to play, the Peladine and Frax units, and the module C6
ships (Carnivon and Paravian) are allowed to be played.
Allowing conjectural units would allow conjectural Battleships (which
the Klingon B10 and Seltorian Hive Ship are notable exceptions), the
"Unbuilt Variants" found in the Romulan Heavy Hawk series and other
places, and certain other ships.
> 1. I want to build a Monitor, I cannot find it in the build ship
> list. Bug?
Intentional. There are no monitors and auxiliaries (with notable
exceptions among most of the WYN ships and the occasional specialty
ship) in the database. The mobility issues that Monitors and auxiliaries
have cannot be modeled in the campaign. The rebate monitors receive will
probably unbalance scenarios in their favor.
> 1. How do I buy the fighters for my ships that carry them?
The ships that carry fighters have the fighter cost rolled into the cost
of the ship and there is a notation in the ship name as to what fighters
they carry. It is assumed that a casual inspection of the SSD or (in
most cases) noting the description for the unit in the appropriate
section-R rule, would be sufficient to tell how many of a given type of
fighter a ship will carry.
> 1. How are borders working? Same as last campaign or is there a new
> system in place to open and close them?
Same rules are in place there. The only that has changed in the rewards
and penalties of scenarios is that INCOME has changed to EP.
> 1. What year are we starting at? 174 as we talked about?
Yes. Logging into the game, and examining the left-hand sidebar will
tell you the current year of the campaign, the email of the moderator,
whether conjectural units are allowed, and other datum about the game.
> 1. How is the command rating gonna work this time around? Do we have
> a limit on what we can send based on scenario?
Some scenarios have limits of how many or what type of ships may be
assigned to them. The only blanket campaign-wide statements that can be
made about command structures is in the campaign rules document. In
summary we are using the rules of (S8.0), except where noted in the
campaign rules or in the scenario. (The scenario text overrides the
campaign rules, as they apply only to that situation.)
> 1. Are we still using hidden T-Bomb deployment from shuttle hatch?
Yes. It seemed the consensus was to keep the hidden-mine rule as
presented in the campaign rules.
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