Dramatic SFB: HyDrAnS .....what day is it ?
Glenn Somerfield
glenns134 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 20:55:16 PST 2017
...a brief explanation of what happened in Hydran space this quarter year....
It has long been know, in Human space and time, that the Hydrans are as unique a creature as any. Everyone has seen the pictures of Hydran ambassadors and diplomats, the military troops, and fighter squads, but how many of the average folk Hydra, the common Matriarchal . Need i say not one ! The second biggest secret in the Universe is what the mass population of Hydra Prime does, and how they live, and what is done to make more little Hydrans . This is kept secret mainly by the simple breathing restrictions of every other advanced Warp species, they cant hang out long enough to get any real observations . Whereas in most of the Universe, it takes 2 to tango, it takes 3 in Hydran space. This third 'Matriarchal' is the MOM to all Hydran beings. These Matriarchals' hold the religion and society together, while the military stays ship-bound and off worlds.
Hydrans are highly antiquious and stubbornly traditional, always looking for a way to achieve ancient knowledge. In 171.2, a group of Matriarchal's proposed and idea of recreating an old ritual. There was relative peace in the galaxy at this time, the ruling Matriarchals' voted yes on the ritual, however did not tell the military or the industrial machine as to its nature or when this ancient ritual was to happen.
The Matriarchals' chose the ancient knock out drinking and tournament game....'Hellball Beer Pong', and with all 3 arms throwing the pong balls, on both sides at the same time, its crazy fast and fun. The cups are set up to look like a D7 and C8 for the finals. The balls are painted to look like Hellbores; and yes you can hit your opponents 'Hellball' in mid flight with yours. This originated on the Stinger pilot raining ship 'HMS Spearcarrier',and since every member of the navy goes into Stinger training first, every Hydran in the Navy knows this game. The tournament started with the fleet and then moved to the Homeworlds. What the Matriarchals didn't say is ...they spiked the punch with an ancient stimu/halucine. The idea was to 'Bring back that luvin feeling....' the Hydrans had for all their enemies of the past. This took 3 years of quiet prep work and planning The special potion bottles distributed and kept secret till the Hellball Bash, which began on 174.3.1
The Hydrans partied, fought and partied, and then oh la la partied some more......everyone was Glowing ....full of the lust for battle, to the point that days became weeks became months. The guesstimates are 2 1/2 months of production and movement lost., however an increase in population is due soon. Then a near sober, lowly clerk, looked up for a moment to see minimal new orders, and no movement of the Fleet, he notified the local Matriarchal Nana, and this started the detox of the population. Oh what a bash it was , one for the history books.
After a week of sobriety, the Navy was lucky to notice no border incursions, and that two ships were on the automated build program.
sumo Hydran glenn
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