Dramatic SFB: Tholian Troll
matt at mattnet.org
Sat Oct 28 23:03:57 PDT 2017
It seems our brethren have found this galaxy, after a long and arduous
journey. But the traveling has not made them easy to live with. Moving
in our footsteps, and obviously with better preparation than we were
able to muster, they have struck. In the striking, they have declared
themselves on a mission to conquer this, our home.
Their first strike has been at a competing invasion, and not with much
success. In a feint that drew a larger Andromedan ship into the open,
they instead landed at us; their target. Reports are still forthcoming
on the progress of the battle, but high command says the odds look good
that we will beat back their initial thrust.
In other news, the Barbarians at the Gate have been caught smuggling the
hides of an animal that we Tholians consider very playful pets.
Apparently, they are valued outside of our space for their
high-temperature-resistant hides and vibrantly colorful plumage. This
despicable trade is something that must stop. Once we found a sizable
convoy loaded with such, we had no-end to the volunteers that wished to
join the hunt - eventually ending up with far more vessels wishing to be
in on the kill than we could allow.
A group that our diplomatic corps originally mis-labelled as "Klingon"
had approached us with a non-aggression agreement. Naturally, this met
our approval. And, true to their word, they left us alone for a time. We
will see how long their memories overcome their natural greed. There was
a puzzling caveat in the discussions between the "Humans" and the
"Klingons" in that they seemed most joyous in meeting eachother, despite
our territory having been interposed between them. We've decided that
this bodes ill for us, and will step up the patrols with the destroyers
on both fronts.
The Klingon Deep Space Fleet has attacked a base of ours in an
unprovoked gesture. As a result, our already-tenuous link with their
territory will be cut off. It is likely that the Barbarians at the Gate
will slide into the area vacated. Indeed, they seem to have established
a base near that section of our border. This is something that we might
wish to visit, should they step up their attacks.
--The Tholian Troll
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