Dramatic SFB: SFBOL question

ken kengulnar73 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 26 19:55:21 PDT 2017

Iirc, in the direct fire decision window there is a text block to write in orders such as this,  and it is revealed along with whatever weapons you each decide to fire ..

Sent on a Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note® 3

-------- Original message --------
From: joshua s via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> 
Date: 10/26/2017  10:40 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
To: sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org 
Subject: Dramatic SFB: SFBOL question 


I was curious if anyone knows when the best segment to write in EW shifts from reserve power (as I quickly discovered super important for Andromedans) when I wrote it in the firing orders it didn't show up. Is there a way to do in the UI to show your opponent
 what you did? IIRC those shifts off of batteries make huge differences in these battles.

I apologize in advance for my crazy amount of questions i will be asking in the near future.


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