Dramatic SFB: Early Voting Counts

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Sat Oct 14 18:53:34 PDT 2017

So I have these votes:

2 EY and some secondary-preference votes

5 mid-war (continue where we left off)

3 GW era

1 Abstain

And these empire picks, in order of preference

Rob: Tholian, Hydran



Paul: Gorn



Micheal: Carnivon



Pat: Fed (Fighters? or PFs?), Klingon

Voting has not yet closed. People listed have voted. Those with empire 
picks have simply gotten in their picks early. Changes can be made to 
any of the above. If you aren't listed, then I have not tabulated your 
vote and you should remind me to do so. Due to the ratio of 
players-to-available-empires (18 players to 19 empires - some empires 
being unplayable in some eras), we will again allow up to two people to 
play the same empire. Picking an empire to play is not necessary at this 
point, as the era we pick may invalidate some empires.


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