Dramatic SFB: the new late war campaign

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Tue Dec 4 17:00:39 PST 2018

> Pat did you play against a race with attrition units? Speaking from 
> experience, they unbalance every scenario that is reasonably playable 
> on the tactical level. I had/ have 2 Hydran borders and I can tell you 
> that the Hydrans are up an FF to a DD's worth (or more) of fighters in 
> every equitable scenario that I came across, that looked playable. 
> You're like thinking ok.. we both have 5 ships, roughly the same force 
> but wait..he has 12 stinger  2's. That is another NCL's worth of 
> firepower, if your opponent is getting those fighters for free and 
> this is more or less a tactical campaign, not a strategic campaign 
> then that is not economically balanced.

Fighter costs are rolled into the ship costs. Hydrans are paying a 
premium for those fighters. Case in point, an unrefit RN with St-1s 
costs 165 BPV: as much as most BCHs. A refit Lancer (DD class) with 
St-2s costs 117 BPV: as much as many CWs.

It's the replacement fighters that he's getting for free. Not the 
initial purchase.

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