Dramatic SFB: Commanders Otions

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 01:50:18 PST 2018

Yea i can not buy T-bombs for all 7 of my FTs what a mini mine field that
would make.   Now having a few heavy weapons on board.. ah well

On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 10:03 PM, Matthew via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> In the campaign scenarios, under commanders option it is written as each
> ship can have 20% for commanders option points. Can none ship units (like
> ground bases) use the 20% commanders option points?
> "Free" units which normally get commander's options, still get them to the
> levels stated in the scenario. This can be used to purchase special drones
> and the like. Note that Civilian units generally cannot have mines (S3.213) (the
> Complat, for one, mentions this specifically.)
> Also note that commander's options are gained and spent on a per-ship
> basis (S3.26). Carriers can use the cost of their fighters to gain them
> more CO points, but per (S3.23) they must spend the extra points on
> fighter-related things.
> --Matt
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