Dramatic SFB: Commanders Otions

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Sun Jan 14 19:03:12 PST 2018

> In the campaign scenarios, under commanders option it is written as 
> each ship can have 20% for commanders option points. Can none ship 
> units (like ground bases) use the 20% commanders option points?

"Free" units which normally get commander's options, still get them to 
the levels stated in the scenario. This can be used to purchase special 
drones and the like. Note that Civilian units generally cannot have 
mines (S3.213)**(the Complat, for one, mentions this specifically.)

Also note that commander's options are gained and spent on a per-ship 
basis (S3.26). Carriers can use the cost of their fighters to gain them 
more CO points, but per (S3.23) they must spend the extra points on 
fighter-related things.

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