Dramatic SFB: GWO - Jindarians

Matthew Potter matt at mattnet.org
Tue Apr 12 21:01:55 PDT 2022

We Jindarians have an overwhelming battle against the Hydrans in #1572, 
where the Hydrans are attacking a flight of refugees with a pair of 
commando ships. The planet they are fleeing to is defended by a cruiser, 
a DW, and a flight of heavy bombers. Would the People's Front care to 
withdraw before they lose their pretty toys? *RETREAT?*

In a reversal of roles, the People's Front is defending a gas giant with 
an NCA and DWS against what amounts to a CL, in sector #1574. It is 
labelled as overwhelming force against me, but I think I can succeed 
here. *BATTLE*

We Jindarians have a DW and sorta-CL defending in #1589 against a 
Seltorian CA. This looks like a battle to me. *BATTLE*

Canisters #1593 against the Gorn looks like I don't have enough consorts 
for the DN. *RETREAT*

Whereas the Gorn Colony I'm assaulting with a couple DWs against a 
couple DWs and an FLG looks like a fight. *BATTLE*

The Probe Recovery #1596 against the other Gorn, my CL against his NCA 
and DWS is obviously a bust for me. *RETREAT*

A battle against the People's Front, a battle against the Seltorians, 
and a battle against the Dino Mites.


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