Dramatic SFB: GWO: Jindarians

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Tue Nov 30 17:36:23 PST 2021

*#1513:* The Gorn were pursuing one of our light strike cruisers until 
we got a good read on who it was. Once we realized it was a mere police 
cruiser, we dropped out of warp to turn the tables. Apparently they had 
dropped out of warp at the same time in order to drop off of our 
scanners. [Presumed Jindarian win]

*#1514: *A Gorn fleet is in the middle of resupply when one of our war 
destroyers dropped in for a close scan. Finding the dreadnaught hull and 
several other ships, the /Ancona/ quickly fled. [Gorn win]

*#1523: *A planet that was set aside by the Organians for whomever could 
get there first, was reached by one of our dreadnaught asteroids and 
consorts. Opposing us is a cruiser, light cruiser, and war cruiser. 
Technically, we have the weight of firepower, but the hulls balance out 
fairly well. The Gorn may want to make a battle of it. [Will fight. Gorn 
to decide]

Losing three players during the turn has put a crimp in the game. At 
nine players the game is still quite viable. But the holiday season is 
when everything historically slows down.I expect things to pick up again 
in a month or two.

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