Dramatic SFB: GWO Romulan Star Empire seeking allies

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Sep 13 18:48:09 PDT 2021

> just an observation with general units in scenarios, most players are 
> using the client shuttle mix that is only Admins, my understanding is 
> units (ships, ground bases, orbital bases) all have a starting set of 
> shuttles in unit description on the SSD)
> Is it just a Campaign game general rule using all Admins?

I'm not really sure what you're asking about, Wayne. Yes, the SSDs do 
call out certain shuttles (besides admins. Notably HTS (double-space 
admins) and GAS shuttles.) The client SSDs default to all-admins, since 
the client SSDs have no function to declare what lives in the bay. As I 
recall, Annex #6 claims that shuttle-types can be swapped around and 
gives the CO fee to do so. Some shuttles have different availability 
than admins (notably GAS shuttles) but admins are always available (with 
some empire-specific exceptions.)

Do my general comments answer the question? Please let me know what you 
want to know, so I can be specific with my answer.


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