Dramatic SFB: The New Full Metal Jacket campaign

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Mon Mar 29 19:35:29 PDT 2021

 Year start 166 would bring in the Andromedans
    On Tuesday, 30 March 2021, 10:48:42 am AEST, Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
    [ From Marcel ] 
 Hi Guys, 
  I am starting anew the Full Metal Jacket campaign using the newly updated database. A whole new set of ships to use. 
  Rules will be similar to the previous campaign about ship deployment to encourage more battles and discourage alliances. The new campaign will allow conjectural units (yepper) and i am currently fine tuning the updated rules. 
  The game will tend toward smaller units early and will move toward biggers one later on. S8.0 will be in full effect and flexible carrier group rule will be used. Ship that list None cannot have escorts and carriers that have the option of flying without escorts (ie Fed CVL) can be fielded with or without escorts. Casual carriers are not affected. There will be limitations on battle tugs. 
  The general races allowed are as follow: 
  Federation Klingons Romulans Kzinti Gorn Tholian Hydran Lyrans ISC Jindarians Vudar Peladines Pavarians Carnivons 
  The optional races allowed are as follow (If selected year allows them) 
  Orion (restriction on opt mounts, single cartel, limitation on heavier units)
  Andro (restriction on heavier units)
  WYN  (No captured units allowed unless really captured/given (KE4, KG2, LDD, ZFF) but orion hulls allowed)
  LDR (restrictions on income to compensate for their Ph-Gs)
  Seltorians  (under home galaxy restriction until Y182)
  There will be no duplicate races allowed until all the general races have been selected unless some races have not been selected by any players. I do hope to see them all. Historical enemies will be kept where possible. 
  Each player will have to submit 4 races in preferred order and no optional races may be selected in the first 3 selections. I will sort out who gets what once all submissions have been received. There will be no civil wars. 
  The new scenario victory rewards are better suited since most No Borders result in a New Border, so, we don't lose borders too quickly as it was happening before. 
  Starting date will be either Y160, Y162, Y165 or Y166 with 3 turns per year.  I am tending toward Y162 but it might be Y160. 
  You can contact me at: marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com 
  Looking forward to your submissions. 
Dramatic SFB campaign chatter list
SFBdrama at lists.mattnet.org
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