Dramatic SFB: Flexible Escorts

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 20:22:47 PST 2021

So just having all fast ships means escorts are not needed.
Otherwise...have one if your ship does or can and other ships are involved.

Hydrans as an example as Hybrids and Romulan Hybrids are exempt.

Casual carriers also do not have to have escorts. Some Roms like SUP-As are
always exempt since they never need escorts.

Sound about right?

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 10:19 PM Matt <matt at mattnet.org> wrote:

> > Just having read this and now being certain I have no real
> > understanding. How about a simple answer...such as No...you cannot run
> > these carriers unescorted. Or yes. They can. Or even yes they can but
> > only if alone. Or yes they can but only if part of a fast ship group
> > for deep raiding. The problem with the last though, is there is no
> > deep raiding per se in these campaigns. And in normal scenarios, you
> > are limited to 1 and only 1 fast ship per fleet.
> >
> > So...how about simply defining this according to what your rule is
> > supposed to mean? Stating what is...and what is not...allowed.
> Alright. TL;DR: (S8.315) replaces the carrier tables in the section-R of
> each carrier. This means you have to have escorts for your carriers.
> This does not affect Hybrid carriers or Casual carriers - who cannot be
> escorted anyways. Fast carriers that are alone in the scenario are
> treated as "on a raid" and do not need escorts.
> --Matt
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