Dramatic SFB: Flexible Escorts
matt at mattnet.org
Sun Feb 21 19:19:37 PST 2021
> Just having read this and now being certain I have no real
> understanding. How about a simple answer...such as No...you cannot run
> these carriers unescorted. Or yes. They can. Or even yes they can but
> only if alone. Or yes they can but only if part of a fast ship group
> for deep raiding. The problem with the last though, is there is no
> deep raiding per se in these campaigns. And in normal scenarios, you
> are limited to 1 and only 1 fast ship per fleet.
> So...how about simply defining this according to what your rule is
> supposed to mean? Stating what is...and what is not...allowed.
Alright. TL;DR: (S8.315) replaces the carrier tables in the section-R of
each carrier. This means you have to have escorts for your carriers.
This does not affect Hybrid carriers or Casual carriers - who cannot be
escorted anyways. Fast carriers that are alone in the scenario are
treated as "on a raid" and do not need escorts.
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