Dramatic SFB: Possible New Campaign Game "Madness"

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 10:38:12 PST 2021

I have been considering running a new game. Been a while. Be advised up
front. Rules will not be normal. Game will run from 172 to 177. 4 turns per
year. We have most if not all of the refits that matter by now. Year one
you can buy only Frigates or DDs. Every year you get the next size class
available. Any scenario with bases or things of this nature which skew
fights, the bases are not built. The system is being held by a fleet. Kill
the fleet and the base is dead. Things of that nature.

This will be a very destructive game. Play only if you understand that you
"will" be losing ships fairly often. ALL and yes I mean all of S8 is out
the window so no requirements on what is needed to have a ship in a fleet.
Every single encounter MUST have a ship assigned unless you have no more
ships to assign.

Opening turn you are required to build according to this and cover every
single fight possible. Then as you lose ships and links to sectors things
become less rigid.

A God has appeared in the Galaxy. He has taken over the minds of everyone
by filling them with rage. People are still able to think. But they hate
and despise all other races and even their own if someone else is in charge
of them. Retreat is forbidden by our God. You can self-destruct if you do
not want to fight. But that is your only way to avoid a conflict.  Two
races enter. One leaves. Remember...No retreat.

Every turn you are REQUIRED to build ships to cover every single sector. So
build accordingly. You have enough to build a cruiser. But need to build to
cover 3 sectors. Corvettes anyone? The point is you build ships to cover
every sector. If on the very rare possibility that this is impossible. You
can leave a sector uncovered. But you must always cover if possible by
building as cheaply as needed. Including dropping refits. No drone
increases....so forth so one.

This is nothing more than a weird off beat concept to see if we can force
combat. Some fights should happen. Especially at first. Only normal
standard races for this one. None of the dead races brought back or
computer ones.

So break out old school and think this out. I do not care if we play as all
of the same race. Feel free to discuss this here. If there is enough
interest we will see if you can make our new God happy with your pain and
suffering and fighting for his glory. Who will be crowned Galactic High

Chuck Megalomaniac of the Stars.
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