Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs Orders

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 04:57:47 PDT 2020

Hi Majead,

Space dragons don't have a survival instinct, they will fight to the death,
and even killing one will only cripple one of the assigned ship.
Dragons don't disengage.
Dragon can fire their eyes at torpedoes, they are phasers.
Dragon MCID affects plasmas see: E6.51
Dragons are controlled by the other players. They can decide what they
shoot at and how (Like a ship)

Here are the complete space dragon rule.


*by Stephen V. Cole, Texas*
A sentient life-form originating in the uncharted regions toward the
galactic core, Space Dragons are powerful creatures that can "fly" on the
ether between the star systems. Like the Dragons of fantasy, the Space
Dragon subsists by raiding livestock and population centers on inhabited
planets. Naturally, the inhabitants of these planets, and the Star Fleet
that protects them, are somewhat annoyed.
*(SM7.1) NUMBER OF PLAYERS:* 2, the Dragon player and the Navy player.
*TERRAIN:* Class M planet (P2.21 <P.html#2.21>) in hex 0628.
*SPACE DRAGON:* In hex 4201. Select a Dragon from the chart below (SM7.461
*NAVY:* One ship in hex 0308, heading C, speed 10, WS-III. Note the BPV of
the Dragon and select a ship that will be an appropriate match, or use this
to balance the scenario.
*YEAR:* Players should select a year before setting up the scenario. This
will define the availability of ships, refits, fighters. drone speeds, and
other items. Y172 is assumed if no other year is selected.
*(SM7.3) LENGTH OF SCENARIO:* The scenario continues until the Space Dragon
has been destroyed or has left the map.
*(SM7.41)* The map is fixed; it does not float. Any unit that leaves the
map from any edge is considered to have disengaged. Any unit can disengage
in any direction.
*(SM7.42) SHUTTLES AND PFs:* If you use MRS (multi-role shuttles), fighters
(presumably from a carrier), or PFs (a type of small "gunboat" that is the
smallest "ship" in the game), the following information will be necessary.
The presence of warp booster packs (J5.0 <J.html#5.0>) on any fighters or
PFs (to increase their speed) will depend on the year in which the scenario
is set. They were introduced for fighters in Y180, PFs always have them,
and Interceptors have them unless specified otherwise.
*(SM7.421)* Multi-role shuttles (J8.0 <J.html#8.0>) are available only to
certain ships. Players may purchase these shuttles [up to the limits in (
J8.5 <J.html#8.5>) ] under (SM7.431 <S.html#M7.431>)
*(SM7.422)* If using EW fighters (R1.F7 <R.html#1.F7>) from Module J, use
the standard deployment patterns (one EWF for each squadron of eight or
more fighters) for EW fighters.
*(SM7.423)* Players with access to Module K might choose to add PFs to the
scenario within those rules.
*(SM7.431)* Ships can purchase additional or special equipment as
Commander's Option Items (e.g., T-bombs, extra marines, MRS shuttles,
special drones, etc.) up to 20% of its combat BPV. See (S3.2 <S.html#3.2>)
for details and exceptions. Some items may not be available in all time
periods and cannot be purchased if the scenario date is before the item's
introduction date.
*(SM7.432)* The speed of the drones will depend on the year in which the
scenario is set. See (FD2.223 <F.html#D2.223>), (FD10.6 <F.html#D10.6>),
and (FD2.224 <F.html#D2.224>). The cost of drone speed upgrades is not
included in the % limit in (SM7.431 <S.html#M7.431>).
Each drone-armed ship can purchase special drones up to the historical
racial percentages as part of the Commander's Option Items. Note that (S3.2
<S.html#3.2>) allows drone ships extra points for this purpose.
*(SM7.433)* Prime Teams (G32.0 <G.html#32.0>) are not available in this
*(SM7.44)* REFITS are available depending on the year selected.
*(SM7.45) RAVAGING:* The objective of the Space Dragon is to raid the
planet. Each turn that the Space Dragon spends in the planet hex without
taking any other action (moving or attacking) is considered to be one turn
of ravaging. The Dragon does not have to land by the procedure in (P2.4
<P.html#2.4>), but while ravaging, all fire at it is through an atmosphere.
*(SM7.46) DRAGONS:* The size of a Space Dragon depends on its age.

Body 25 70 100 200
Wings 20 50 75 150
Tail 10 25 35 70
Claws 16 40 60 120
Claw Atk +1 0 -1 -3
Eyes 2xPh-3 2xPh-2 2xPh-1 2xPh-4
Flame F G S R
BPV 40 100 150 300
Speed 1 2 3 5
Points for Ravaging 10 25 35 75
*(SM7.462)* Dragons do not have an SSD. They use a record system based on
the numbers above. Each hit on a given "area" of the Dragon reduces that
rating by one. For example, a damage point on the body of a young space
dragon would reduce it from 25 to 24.
*(SM7.463)* Hits against a Space Dragon are not resolved by the DAC, but by
the following procedure. Roll one die for each damage point, and record
that damage point as follows:

DIE ROLL 1-2 3-4 5 6
AREA HIT Body Wings Tail Claws
If a given area has been reduced to zero, use the next area to the right on
the table above. For example, if the claws are reduced to zero, score that
damage point on the body. See (SM7.466 <S.html#M7.466>) below for effect.
*(SM7.464)* The maximum speed of a Space Dragon is based on the number of
wing units remaining at the start of the turn divided by the speed factor.
(Example: 50/2 = speed 25 for an adult.) Round fractions of .5 or more up
to the next whole number. A dragon can change speed after eight impulses of
a previous speed change, increasing or decreasing by up to ten points.
*(SM7.465)* Space Dragons have several weapons; all are 360°.
*(SM7.4651)* Their eyes operate as phasers (type depending on age) which
can fire once per turn.
*(SM7.4652)* Their flame (which they can use every second turn) is a plasma
torpedo (type depending on age; they can "Bolt" ).
*(SM7.4653)* The Space Dragon accumulates a static ionic charge along its
hide, and by flicking its tail (as in cracking a bullwhip), it can direct
bursts of this charge toward targets. Their tails operate as a defensive
system with a 5/6 chance of destroying any shuttle or seeking weapon that
enters the Dragon's hex (i.e., range zero). The tail can engage up to three
targets per impulse (Dragon's choice). This defense is resolved after the
weapons move into the Dragon's hex but before they score their damage. The
tail ceases to function when it has been reduced to zero.
*(SM7.4654)* The Dragon's claws attack on the Moray Eel chart (SM3.46
<S.html#M3.46>) against any one ship within the same hex, using a die roll
modifier as shown (depending on age) directly as internal hits. A final
result more than six is treated as six; a final result less than one is
treated as one. The Dragon can make only one claw attack per turn. Claw
attacks can be made against ships, bases, shuttles, fighters, PFs, other
monsters, drones, or other objects (except plasma torpedoes or planets).
*(SM7.4655)* Adult and Old Space Dragons can telepathically identify (G4.23
<G.html#4.23>) one seeking weapon within three hexes each impulse. Ancient
Dragons can identify two weapons within five hexes each impulse. Young
Dragons can identify one weapon in an adjacent hex each impulse.
*(SM7.466)* The Space Dragons eyes and flame cannot be destroyed except by
killing it. The claws and tail cease to function when they are completely
destroyed (the rating for that area reduced to zero). The Dragon's speed is
reduced by wing hits. The Dragon dies when all of its "systems" are reduced
to zero. There is no explosion.
*(SM7.467)* Space Dragons have a turn mode of 1 in all cases. They can
elect not to move in a given impulse (assuming their speed calls for them
to move in that impulse). The Dragon can TAC like a fighter (J4.11
<J.html#4.11>), HET (once per turn with no chance of breakdown), sideslip,
and otherwise moves as a ship. A Dragon can be displaced, trapped by web,
and placed in stasis. A Dragon will detonate mines as a size class 3 ship.
They use free movement at all times.
*(SM7.468)* While most old and ancient Space Dragons travel alone, young
ones (2 or 3) are always in the company of an adult (usually their mother).
If a ship is in a direct line between a young Dragon and its mother, the
mother Dragon will immediately move at a speed of three hexes per impulse
to enter the ship's hex and attack it, then resume normal operations.
Direct line is defined as being on the same hex row and between the mother
and the baby or being closer to the baby than the mother at any time that
the ship is between the mother and the baby but not on the same hex row. If
a young Dragon's mother is killed, it will move to the ship's hex and
attempt to "nurse" from "mommy" by executing a claw attack during every
impulse divisible by four. Note that the number of "claw" attacks by a
nursing baby space dragon is an exception to (SM7.4654 <S.html#M7.4654>).
In such cases, it will not use its flame or eye weapons.
*(SM7.469)* Dragons cannot be tractored (G7.29 <G.html#7.29>) or boarded.
*(SM7.5) VICTORY CONDITIONS:* Use the Standard Victory Conditions. Award
the Space Dragon the points shown on the chart in (SM7.461 <S.html#M7.461>)
for each turn of ravaging (maximum 4 turns).
*(SM7.6) VARIATIONS:* The scenario can be played again under different
conditions by making one or more of the following changes;
*(SM7.61)* Have two Space Dragons fight each other.
*(SM7.62)* Substitute a convoy for the planet.
*(SM7.63)* Try to defend the planet with ground defenses including several
phaser-4s and fighter squadrons.
*(SM7.64)* Have the Dragon attack a base
*(SM7.7) BALANCE:* The scenario can be balanced between players of
different skill levels by one or more of the following;
*(SM7.71)* Change the number of BPV the fleet player can use to build his
*(SM7.72)* Allow the Dragon to "Ravage" the planet longer.
*(SM7.73)* Reduce the number of turns the Dragon can ravage the planet.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 6:58 AM Majead Farsi via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Guys I have a few questions regarding Space Dragons as I could not find
> any information on it! As they are living creatures with a survival
> instinct:
> At what point will a space dragon opt to disengage instead of staying and
> possibly dying?
> Can a Dragon opt to fire its eye weapon at plasma torpedoes? (to reduce
> the damage it takes!)
> Does the dragon's close defence system affect plasma's ?
> If there are several dragons in an encounter do they operate in a
> coordinated manner such as using their eye weapons on the same target (Ship
> , plasma etc)?
> Majead
> On Mon, 7 Sep 2020 at 11:01, Wayne Power <wdpower at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> That is a solid enough Carnivon force, has an ISC CC to help with
>> firepower, the Paravians could still hold their own.
>> On Monday, 7 September 2020, 07:06:00 pm AEST, Majead Farsi <
>> majeadfarsi at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> More like 300 more than yours! I will be fighting this one! As I'm well
>> up here in fire power! Encounter #2116 I'm not fighting that one as I'm
>> well outgunned!! #2115 I'm still debating if there is a way of saving the
>> freighters. will let you know on that one!
>> Majead
>> On Mon, 7 Sep 2020 at 08:38, Don Lavanty <emeketos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Trust me I find fighting Carnivon's very dangerous those disruptor
>> cannons are nasty. His force does include a CV group but I have 6
>> interceptors included
>> Carnivon have
>> CWL, 2xCW, CWB, DWS,  2xDWA, CVS 12 fighters(JK-4 & HY-3), ISC CC w//
>> int's
>> vs my Paravian
>> CWL, 3xCW, RMS w/ 2p-b&p-sd w/ ints, BCH w/ Ints, DWL w/ int's
>> his force is at least 100bp more than mine.
>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 2:52 AM Wayne Power via SFBdrama <
>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>> You would need to battle in a fleet, with some heavy ships, to take that
>> Paravian force on.
>> On Monday, 7 September 2020, 09:38:20 am AEST, Gregory Flusche via
>> SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>> Yes looks legal to me as well
>> On Sun, Sep 6, 2020 at 6:09 PM Matt via SFBdrama <
>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>> > He has a total of 7 ships with 4 command type/ Leader equivalent ships
>> > ( they have Flag bridges etc!). Is this Fleet legal or has he got too
>> > many leaders/ Command ships. His ships are :
>> > CWL, CW, CW, CW, RMS (with 3 pods), BCH, DWL.
>> > To be honest it's the DWL that looks as if it should not be there by
>> > itself as there are no SC 4 ships to lead!
>> Flag bridge does not necessarily make it a leader variant. For example,
>> starbases (S8.27) and some Lyran ships (R11.5). Even leader variants
>> don't always have flag bridge - see most DWLs and FLGs. As near as I
>> figure, leader variants are marked as such only on the SSD (though
>> looking at higher-than-normal Command Ratings for the class can be an
>> indicator. Unfortunately, that also captures some PFTs and carriers.)
>> See (S8.36); it begins with the most complete definition of a leader
>> variant that is off the top of my head.
>> The RMS (regardless of the number of pods) counts as a Size-Class 2
>> ship. As such, it counts under (S8.331). One would think that (S8.363)
>> applies to keep it from being considered as a leader, but the RMS is
>> actually a dreadnaught-sized tug variant - which is still not a leader
>> variant. (note that the tug pods are never applied against a flagship's
>> command rating.)
>> The BCH very much is under (S8.333). This also excludes it from being
>> considered a leader variant. This also allows the BCH to be included,
>> specifically regardless of the inclusion of a Size-Class 2 unit.
>> So per (S8.36), the consideration of leader variants falls to the CWL
>> and the DWL. The CWL is leading a full squadron of CWs, allowing the DWL
>> to be included under (S8.361).
>> The above fleet appears legal to me.
>> --Matt
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