Dramatic SFB: OFS Encounter Reports (Turn 12)

Brent Stanton brentzkrieg39 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 07:34:19 PDT 2020

Analysts at the Klingon Office of Frontier Security have generated the
following encounter report.
Distribution of this report to unauthorized personnel will bring dishonour
to your house.

*On the Earth Federation Front border:*
*Sector #2143 - Colony Raid: Sector uneventful. Encounter Dropped.*

*Sector #2144 - Base Defense:* The Earth Federation Front launched a
surprise attack on our BATS securing Office of Frontier Security interests
and projecting our influence across the border. The total loss of this
facility will greatly reduce our ability to carry out operations along this
front.* EFF Victory.*

*Along the Magistrorum Militum border:*

*Sector #2188 - Fleet Repair Dock:* An emergency transmission from the IKV
Chieftain reports the arrival of a Peladine Destroyer squadron! The
Chieftain indicates her intent to lead the F5 squadron, and the FRD's F5
Minehunter, to glorious battle in the defense of our repair facility.

*Sector #2189 - Probe Recovery:* A Magistrorum Militum vessel has been
encountered by IKV Divisor in the vicinity of a gas giant along our border.
With the current state of hostilities, Divisor has been tasked with
determining the foes' purpose in the sector, and driving them off. To

*Sector #2190 - Terrain Defense with Ground Combat: *OFS analysts
determined that no vessels were appropriately outfitted for ground combat
at this time.
*Magistrorum Militum Victory.*

*On the Tricky Treasonous (Vudar) border:*
*Sector #2218 - Colony Raid:* The completion of IKV Terror and her
subsequent deployment to the Vudar border appears to have instilled the
appropriate level of fear in our former subject race. The Vudar rebels made
no attempt to raid a colony under OFS protection in this sector.
*OFS Victory.*

*From the Catnip Duchy border:*

*Sector #2225 - Convoy Raid: *A large convoy was detected travelling
through a border scetor, but due to other border obligations, the OFS was
unable to assemble a force of sufficient size to inspect the Lyran vessels
for Federation gifts. *Catnip Duchy Victory.*

*Sector #2226 - Extragalactic Incursion:* Long range sensors detected two
large Catnip Duchy vessels operating in this sector for an unknown
purpose. *Catnip
Duchy Victory.*

*Sector #2227 - The Moray Eel of Space:* IKV Dawnslayer encountered,
engaged, and destroyed a Moray Eel of Space. Success and Glory! *OFS

*On The Will border*:

*Sector #2228 - Marine Rescue:* Responding to the distress call of Klingon
marines on training maneuvers in sector 2228, IKV Review was able to
recover the teams without further incident.
*OFS Victory.*
*Sector #2229 - Refit Raid:* No OFS captains have fallen sufficiently out
of favour with the emperor to warrant a glory-or-death assault into Tholian
space. Candidates from our repeated failures along the Magistrorum Militum
border are however being considered for just such an assignment... *The
Will Wins.*

*On the Lyran Star Empire border:*

*Sector #2230 - Convoy Raid:* A small but essential convoy escorted by IKV
Jackal reached their top-secret destination without incident. *OFS Victory.*

*Sector #2231 - Convoy Raid:* The carrier group of IKV Rabbleslayer was
tasked with the tedious but essential duty of convoy escort. During the
journey, the Rabbleslayer ordered the convoy to scatter, rapidly deployed
her fighter complement, and the squadron turned to engage something
reportedly trailing the convoy. After an intense disruptor barrage and
live-fire drone launch, the Commodore of IKV Rabbleslayer thanked the
convoy for its participation in another successful training exercise.
Complaints from the freighter captains were forwarded to the OFS command
upon reaching their destination.
*OFS Victory.*
*Sector #2232 - Colony Raid: Encounter Dropped.*
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