Dramatic SFB: (no subject)

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Sun Sep 6 01:30:21 PDT 2020

 Magistrorum Militum Peladine turn 12 Y182 encounter report:
Relative peace along the Hydrax Prime and Kzinti Guarantors of Benevolence borders, all scenarios resolved.
Klingon Office of Security border,
The Peladine GCL at the Asteroid field 2190 is secured, mining operation will commence (Peladine win).Looking to pick up Klingon information Pods in sector 2189, Peladine DW with 2x SKTs will battle the Klingon D5K.Peladine 2x DWs and an FFS are charging in to do battle vs Klingon FRD (with F5L, F5K, F5D docked) and a minelayer ship defending area 2188.

ISC border,
2200 colony defended (Peladine win)2199 Probe recovery, Peladine 3x CWs battle vs a mixed ISC empire squadron of CS, CM, and a carnivon CW.

Carnivon empire of the wolf border,
sector 2186 is know to be a dragon area, Carnivon ships have run into 1x Ancient dragon and 2x Old dragons looking to feed.

Vudar border,
2187 base secured, held the Banshees away (Peladine win). 
    On Sunday, 6 September 2020, 05:37:21 am AEST, Gregory Flusche via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 The shifting Borders In Age of PFs is giving pause to the Emperor of the Sun. 
Three borders each with the Two federations. All very peaceful at this time. 
The Gorns have simply disappeared.  leaving a huge border with the ISC. There are two confrontations on this now our largest sector with 8 borders, Sector 2068 planetary assault. A very special ally in sector 2073. 
Then the Tholian Will one border.  We do not want to antagonize them at all, Then the revoltanary SPQ 4 borders, There seems to be no conflict as of yet there. 

On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 1:55 PM Larry Stanton via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

On behalf of the The Holdfast, we present this intelligence briefing to inform The Will of our state’s edification regarding our encounter/interaction details within and adjacent to our borders, annexes, territories, and subjugated worlds.


On the Empire of the Sun Border:

Convoy Raid #2076

Convoy operations along the Empire's border with the Holdfast continue to enjoy peaceful circumstance. Transportation of materials occur without incident. (Tholian Victory)


On the Earth Federation Front Border:

Marine Rescue #2145

Intelligence provided by these scurrilous Orion Cartels has again proven to be completely false. Ignoring our own surveillance apparatus' protestations, the military dispatched a heavy flotilla organized around the TWW Will of Tholia to protect one such remote sensor outpost for naught. It is providential that the diversion of such a force had no further repercussions elsewhere along our borders. We now suspect that the Cartel's, or governmental agency employing them is engaged in a counter-intelligence campaign, and we are analyzing ways to prevent misinformation from resulting in subsequent defensive failures. The Orion informant was subsequently apprehended, interrogated, and then released at the Holdfast's star port and permitted to walk back to his vessel. The poor creature neglected to put on a protective suit and was subsequently incinerated. Its remains were returned to its crew. (Tholian Victory)


The Morey Eel of Space #2147

Task Force Tet observed the unfortunate demise of the EFF colony located in Sector 2147. The loan EFF vessel was unable to stop the monster from destroying the planet. (Tholian Victory)


On the The Vibrant Venomous Vudar Border:

Cargo Tug #2220

Our Vudar neighbors continue to operate closer to our borders. TWPD 011, acting as a recon asset for our own supply operation ins Sector 2221 monitored the activity before returning to its position along the border. (Vudar Victory)


Cargo Tug #2221

As mentioned in the previous entry, we were also successfully conducting supply operations along our own side of the border. (Tholian Victory)


On the Office of Frontier Security Border:

Marine Rescue #2228

Long range sensors monitored an OFS rescue operation near our border. We elected not to interfere with this mission of mercy. (OFS Victory)


Refit Raid #2229

This One is pleased to report that the annual maintenance of our border auxiliary vessels has been completed without incident. (Tholian Victory)


On the SPQR Border:

Terrain Defense with Ground Combat #2238

This One is also pleased to inform the Will that our efforts to fully secure our mutual border with the SPQR has been successfully completed without further loss of life on either side. Additionally, this has allowed the Will to protect secure routes to newly discovered resources in an asteroid system located in Sector 2238.



This concludes the current cycles report for The Indomitable Will of the Tholian Holdfast, its Annexes, Territories, and Subjugated Worlds. Dissemination of the report without prior authority and consent of The Will is punishable by apprehension, trial, incarceration, and execution of all guilty parties, accomplices, and confederates. By compliance with these measures, The Will endures.


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