Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Mike Johnson mdjohnson2112 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 06:44:40 PDT 2020

Lyrans here... I did not bid any ships to this scenario.  Matt can you tell
which ship you are seeing from my fleet?

On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 12:15 AM Drew Klenotic via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Just a question on this....  It seems like I'm being penalized even
> though I don't see that any ships were bid by the opponent.  Is this
> accurate?  Looking below, it does seem like maybe there was one... so is
> it just a "reporting error".
> Or a tactical error for the "new guy" to piss off his neighbor when he
> has such a tiny fleet?..... *shrugs* dunno.
> (But seriously, was something bid for this and it just didn't show up
> clearly?)
> Dragon Attack #796
> The Drewzarian Federation (Federation) has not been successful in their
> defense.
> Defender's reward for successful defense by the Drewzarian Federation
> (Federation): EP60
> Defender's penalty for unsuccessful defense: EP-75
> Attacker's reward for an unsuccessful defense: EP45
> TERRAIN: Class-M planet at 0628
> Drewzarian Federation (Federation) PLAYER: No defender's ships bid
> within two hexes of 0328, speed 10, heading C.
> Empire Name (Lyran) PLAYER: A number of Space Dragons (SM7.46) set up in
> hex 4201 (see below), heading D.
> LENGTH OF SCENARIO: The scenario continues until the end of a turn in
> which the dragons have accrued enough ravaging points or until all
> forces belonging to either player have been destroyed, captured, or have
> disengaged.
> MAP: Use a floating map. Any unit that is more than 50 hexes from the
> planet is considered to have disengaged by separation (C7.2).
> SHUTTLES AND PFs: All shuttles and PFs have warp booster packs if the
> year selected allows them. Shuttles are advanced types if the year
> selected allows their use.
> MRS shuttles may be purchased [up to the limits in (J8.5) ].
> If using EW fighters, one fighter in each squadron may be of this type.
> Each ship can purchase additional or special equipment as Commander's
> Option Items (e.g., T-bombs, extra marines, etc.) up to 20% of its
> Combat BPV. See (S3.2) for details and exceptions.
> All drone speeds and types are available, subject only to the year
> selected for the scenario.
> Each drone-armed ship can purchase special drones up to the historical
> racial percentages as part of the Commander's Option Items. Note that
> (S3.2) allows drone ships extra points for this purpose.
> If players wish to use the optional rules for Prime Teams (G32.0), they
> can purchase one team (25 points each) as part of their Commander's
> Options.
> SPACE DRAGONS There are a number of Space Dragons equal to the number of
> ships the Empire Name (Lyran) player bid to the scenario (1 ships). The
> total BPV of the Space Dragons is equal to or less than the total BPV
> assigned by the Empire Name (Lyran) player (206 BPV). The Empire Name
> (Lyran) player must declare the ages of each Space Dragon before the
> Drewzarian Federation (Federation) player sets up. For each dragon
> killed, the Empire Name (Lyran) player must cripple a ship that they
> assigned to the battle (their choice.)
> The Empire Name (Lyran) player has assigned these ships: SR+m w/ BOB-As
> ""
> • Maximum speed is determined by it's wing-health divided by it's
> 'speed' trait. TM is 1. May HET once per turn. May elect to skip any
> movement it may normally take.
> • May be displaced, trapped in web, placed in stasis, but not tractored.
> • Has a pair of phasers (determined by age) that may fire every turn, a
> plasma (determined by age) that may fire every second turn, and a
> range-0 attack that uses the Morey Eel chart (SM3.46) and that may be
> used once per turn.
> • May identify a single seeking weapon every impulse (range determined
> by age.)
> • Up to three times an impulse, the dragon may attempt to kill any
> shuttle or seeking weapon (including plasma) in it's hex (and before the
> seeker impacts) on a roll of 1-5. When the tail is destroyed, the dragon
> may no longer perform this.
> • For every 32 consecutive impulses spent in the same hex as the planet,
> the dragon scores it's 'Points for Ravaging' as victory points for the
> Empire Name (Lyran) player.
> • Note that according to (D6.397), Space Dragons are not affected by
> electronic warfare.
> VICTORY CONDITIONS: Destruction of a Space Dragon counts as an amount of
> victory points equal to twice the 'Points for Ravaging' that that dragon
> can inflict. The amount of ravaging points that each Space Dragon
> inflicts on the planet, counts as victory points for the Empire Name
> (Lyran) player. The player with the most victory points wins. Ties go to
> the Drewzarian Federation (Federation) player.
> On 2020-04-20 23:55, Matt via SFBdrama wrote:
> > Yay!! We've got pow pow!
> >
> > --Matt
> >
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