Dramatic SFB: D.U.M.B. Gorn Turn Summary

Paul Meyer falrun at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 31 13:20:35 PST 2019

To the delegates of The Age of PFs Campaign, Mr. Greentail provides the following report.

On the Black Crows Border:

Sector #241 – Artifact Singularity: The sovereign borders of the D.U.M.B. Gorns are being transgressed by the Black Crows as one of our planets is in peril due to a black hole. This will not stand! DUMB Gorns will fight. Don, let me know what works for you.

Sector #242 – Dragon Attack: In retaliation of the Black Crow’s attack on Gorn Sovereignty, the D.U.M.B. Gorns are going to aide the space dragons against them. DUMB Gorns will fight. Don, let me know what works for you.

On the Invasive Solutions Consultants Border:

Sector #243 – Canisters: The DDF Zubat was dispatched to pick up some canisters that a freighter dropped. There was no interference from the ISC. Gorn Autowin

Sector #244 – Prospecting Raid: The DDF Notoceratops was dispatched to guard a prospecting outpost. No activity was reported. Gorn Autowin

Sector #245 – Probe Recovery: It was reported that the ISC had deployed a probe on the edge of Gorn space. It most likely contains nothing but fake news so we did not send any forces to gather the information. ISC Autowin

Sector #246 – Colony Raid: The DDF Oviraptor was dispatched on a routine security patrol. Nothing to report. Gorn Autowin

On the Empire of the Sun Border:

Sector #247 – Prospecting Raid: Under a one-time agreement, the Empire of the Sun agreed to withhold any aggressive activities for this turn. The Empire of the Sun abided by that agreement.

Gorn Autowin

Sector #248 – Dragon Attack: Under a one-time agreement, the D.U.M.B. Gorn agreed to withhold any aggressive activities for this turn. The D.U.M.B. Gorn abided by that agreement. Romulan Autowin

Sector #249 – Colony Raid: Under a one-time agreement, the D.U.M.B. Gorn agreed to withhold any aggressive activities for this turn. The D.U.M.B. Gorn abided by that agreement. But, oddly enough, the Empire of the Sun did not take advantage of that agreement.

Dropped with no Resolution

Be Best!

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