Dramatic SFB: Convoy Battles

Don Lavanty emeketos at gmail.com
Sat May 25 08:47:45 PDT 2019

Sorry it's 2 issues
1. Speed
2. Power

It's not just speed, its any power loss is catastrophic, make sense?

On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 10:37 AM Matt <matt at mattnet.org> wrote:

> > With the low speed of the ship 12(13 with impulse) it can't out run
> > drones or plasma, doesn't have any firepower except one t-bomb to
> > handle all drones heading to it.  With fh/rh panels its difficult to
> > impossible to rotate enough to split damage.
> I've gone into the other benefits of the CS. So if speed is the only
> thing that makes the Galactic freighter survivable, and the Andromedans
> are otherwise unplayable in those scenarios, then there is a balance
> issue. Now that everyone has the exact-same speed, I expect that the
> Andromedans will do exactly the same as the other players. Yes?
> Problem solved.
> --Matt
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