Dramatic SFB: Convoy Battles

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Sat May 25 08:36:51 PDT 2019

> With the low speed of the ship 12(13 with impulse) it can't out run 
> drones or plasma, doesn't have any firepower except one t-bomb to 
> handle all drones heading to it.  With fh/rh panels its difficult to 
> impossible to rotate enough to split damage.

I've gone into the other benefits of the CS. So if speed is the only 
thing that makes the Galactic freighter survivable, and the Andromedans 
are otherwise unplayable in those scenarios, then there is a balance 
issue. Now that everyone has the exact-same speed, I expect that the 
Andromedans will do exactly the same as the other players. Yes?

Problem solved.


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