Dramatic SFB: Late War - Scenario Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #3134

Francois Lemay lemay.frank at rogers.com
Tue Jan 22 19:16:59 PST 2019

 Ben,We all play SFB and Campaigns for fun !Thing is with campaigns, we need to have some criteria for empires to advance or fall behind. Its what campaigns are all about and we have fun in this process as well !
Your Selt CA is at R3 to Marcel's DDP and CW which are about to unload on your rear shields. Due to the campaign format, you actually do need to prove you can escape unscathed because refusing to continue is simply not being fair to Captain Marcel who worked to get his ships in the current situation and Tholian Admiral Michael who may be looking at 1 less Selt CA next turn which could  perhaps lead to an escalating war ??
If your intent  is to just have fun with no regard for the campaign, then perhaps [ with all due respect] campaign play is not for you as its not fair to the other Admirals that do care about battle outcomes. 
FYI, Matt does have a system in place to determine a winner at end of campaign.


    On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎January‎ ‎22‎, ‎2019‎ ‎03‎:‎50‎:‎07‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EST, Ben Sh via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 So I play Star fleet battles for fun.I play the campaigns in order to occasionally set up a battle where I can actually play Star fleet battles. I don't actually care about the campaign's in and of themselves I don't think there's any way to win these things and I really just play them to set up star fleet battles scenarios. I played this scenario as a serious underdog just to have something to do. I'm not a fan of them bloodthirsty and disrespectful approach toward opponents. I treat my opponents with respect and hope and expect for the same in return. My opponent does not wish to continue a game I sure am not going to try to force them to do so, as that would not qualify as fun, light-hearted gameplay. I suspect some of the issues come from the inhumanizing nature of online communications. If we were sitting face-to-face we wouldn't have this conversation. Body language in an understanding of others would solve that. I don't have any problems with my real world star fleet battles club but this online stuff seems to lead to difficult communications.
I hope that this rather verbose email helps to clear things up.
Sincerely and respectfully,Ben
On Tue, Jan 22, 2019, 9:59 AM Michael Helbig <admgrraven at gmail.com wrote:

This is unfortunate,  as the Tholian leader I'm going to have Marcel submit the save to Matt.  I believe that at the very least according to Marcel your CA will be crippled and possibly destroyed.  
I would rather you play to try and save your ship.  
On Tue, Jan 22, 2019, 12:55 PM Ben Sh via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org wrote:

I don't have time to continue this. I withdraw. You win the scenario. I am RTA.
On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 6:49 AM Marcel Trahan <marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com> wrote:

When do you want to finish this scenario?

Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #3134

I am available almost anytime
Acting Rockhead Commander
Those Tholian captain chairs are really starting to square my Klingon butt
On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 9:37 PM Francois Lemay <lemay.frank at rogers.com> wrote:

 Gents,Roch and I are at end of T4 in our Colony 3085 battle.T5 to continue Thursday and Friday nights hopefully at 1900 !
Basically, Gorn BC Heavy Lezard has 36 internals, BDD+ Kalessin has 13 internals [ plasma F-C tube, ph 1 and a ph 3 plus fluff ] and BDD+ Spine Crusher has only 1[CDR repaired a ph 3].ISC CL Advantageous has 27 internals after repairing 2 bttys using CDR 1 and 2.ISC SAM 3085 has 14 internals repairing  a ph 3 and a shield with CDR. T1, ISC start at WS 3, so do Gorns.Gorns approach at speed 20 while CL Advantageous moves at 11 with 6 ECM to get up to combat speeds.Lots of ECM for CL Advantageous, none for Gorn fleet [ that I can remember ? ] .
T2,The action starts, Gorns charge in at speed 24 slowing to 20 on 2.17, CL Advantageous is now up to 18/19 with 6 ECCM.Torps from both sides [ including from the DEFSATs ] are launched, shuttles also.Once the dust settled down, BC Heavy Lezard had taken her 36 internals as well as BDD+ Kalessin taking her 1 3internals.Couple well placed Gorn TBs blow up 9 planetary shuttle as they leave the atmosphere.
T3,CL Advantageous moves 20/27 trying to avoid a wad of plasma targeted on her. The wad do hit causing internals and combined with phaser fire, ended up with the 27 internals mentioned above.BC Heavy Lezard mainly moves away from the battle scene allowing the 2 BBD+ to take care of the situation and launching a MRS for moral EW support !
T4,Both sides are now far apart taking the time to reload/re-arm all weapons.CL Advantageous moves 12/15 while Gorns BC move at 4 all turn and BDD+ at 10.CL Advantageous slowly and cautiously closes in on the slow moving Gorn fleet getting to R10 end of turn.End of turn Gorns fire 3 ph 1s and 4 ph 3s at R10 range scoring nothing but a light show !A ph 3 did hit for 1 pint though on #6.
T5 to continue Thursday and Friday night hopefully.Both sides will have their plasma ready to go !BC Heavy Lezard has used both fake  S torps, BDD+ Spine Crusher has used her fake G torp.

CheersFrankakaISC Peaceful Commander !

    On ‎Sunday‎, ‎January‎ ‎20‎, ‎2019‎ ‎12‎:‎07‎:‎31‎ ‎AM‎ ‎EST, Ben Sh via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 No, that would be silly. I don't even have internals.
On Sat, Jan 19, 2019, 7:49 PM Marcel Trahan <marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com wrote:

Do you consider you CA destroyed?I am under strict order to bllow up you ship.Do you still want to play it and try to save your ship?
Acting RockHead Commander
On Sat, Jan 19, 2019 at 9:36 PM Ben Sh <dragoastro at gmail.com> wrote:

I don't believe I can win this. I will concede the scenario to the Tholians, well played sir! It was fun.
On Sat, Jan 19, 2019, 6:36 PM Marcel Trahan <marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com wrote:

When do you want to continue this scenario?
For the next week, i am available days and evenings most of the time
On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 1:03 PM Ben Sh <dragoastro at gmail.com> wrote:

I can be available in about 10 minutes if that works for you
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019, 2:32 PM Marcel Trahan <marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com wrote:

Either noon or 2 PM is ok with me
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 4:29 PM Ben Sh <dragoastro at gmail.com> wrote:

I got your message. Been trying to figure out when I'll have some free time. Maybe tomorrow at 2 p.m. Pacific time? Otherwise tomorrow a.m. at about 12:30 am is good for me but probably doesn't work for you question marks
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019, 5:58 AM Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org wrote:

Hi Ben
I have been asked to battle captain scenario Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #3134.
When can you be available so we can play it.
Acting rockhead captain____________________________________________________
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