Dramatic SFB: Lyran Vs Kzinti #1893 turn 1 through 2.7

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 14:33:45 PDT 2018

well said :)

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 12:22 AM, Charles Carroll via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

>    A dark night as it always was in space...I was sitting in my command
> chair trying to stay awake...when my sensor operator dared to bother
> me...WHAT??? I asked in a fairly irritated tone.
> Um...Sir...I seem to be picking up long range scans of some ships inbound.
> Ships? Out here? Gee we are in a shipping lane...of course there will be
> ships.
> True sir...but these ships have active sensors and are scanning. Not the
> passive like I was using to conserve power. And um...they are powerful
> sensors...like...warships.
> So....come to yellow alert...bring up the phaser banks...have all ships
> load a Scatter Pack...and arm the Disruptors...set us to Weapon Status 2.
> The ship lazily moves to action stations...all other ships including the
> Free Traders and the one possible ship that may or may not be a Free
> trader...all responded ready after a while.
> Looking up I see the sensor operator saying something else.
> Sir...incoming ships...4 Lyran ships...3 Cruisers and  police frigate at
> Weapons Status 3
> Well people...looks like we get to earn the money that they are paying us
> this trip. Battle stations. Launch Scatter Packs.
> And so began the battle near...nowhere really.
> On Imp 1 12 shuttles blasted away from their ships heading towards the
> incoming mass of Lyrans.
> On Impulse 7 the speedy Lyrans running at 21 to our 9...closed to range 15
> on Free Trader 7 and his shuttle and unloaded on them without warning I
> might add. 3 disruptors at the shuttle from Sparkles with two hitting and
> destroying it. 4 disruptors from the yang and 2 from the cheetah...with 4
> of the 6 hitting...doing 12 damage to the front 12 point shield minus 1
> point of reinforcement almost dropping his shield.
> Free Trader 7 turned to direct C from B and headed away. The rest of my
> FTs and squadron continued on. On imp 10...the 11 remaining shuttle belched
> forth 54 drones. The imp 11 the shuttles were tractored and drawn into
> their respective hanger bays.
> For some reason the Lyrans did not seem eager to meet the 54 drones.
> On Impulse 11 The Nova fired 2 disruptors and 4 phaser 1s and Sparkles
> number 6. With 2 more disruptors from Gargoyle. 12 damage occurred but only
> 8 hit the shield as 4 points of reinforcement appeared.
> The Lyrans turned off and headed away in direction F instead of heading
> right at us in E.
> Toward the end of the turn they turned back towards us. we closed till we
> were mostly at range 15...imp 32 came with us between 9 and 16...and one
> set of 4 drones at range 1 to the Lyrans.
> They identified 3 of the 4 as being targeted on Sprinkles. the rest of the
> 54? Who knows.. At this time we had more fire. All Zin Frigates unleashed
> their full might. 5 Disruptors and 8 Phaser 1s at range 15 or less. 17
> points hit his number 6 16 point shield...and we blew the hull out of
> him...OK..one hull.
> Next turn started...with the Gargoyle at range 16 firing 2 Disruptors and
> 4 phaser ones. Both disruptors hit and all phasers missed. So 4 more
> damage. A Aux Bridge...2 Front Hull and Phaser 3 died. Imp two...the now
> speed 24 Lyran ships...and my speed 14 Fts and 15 DDs and FFs were waiting
> to see how he exploded. Unfortunately...all Lyran ships HETed. To direction
> B and the cowards started heading off. A few impulses later Sparkels
> dropped his rear shield and tossed a couple of T bombs into the path of
> some drones. They took out 19 drones. On imp 7...the Cheetah also dropped
> number 4 and transported a single T bomb out. Looks like more drones will
> probably die. At this point...we had to call it a night.
> Stay tuned for more exciting ADVENTURES IN SPACE!!!!....(Announcer voice
> over optional)
> Brought to you by Chuck (Filling in for Frank) and John.
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