Dramatic SFB: Lyran Vs Kzinti #1893 turn 1 through 2.7

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 21:22:16 PDT 2018

   A dark night as it always was in space...I was sitting in my command
chair trying to stay awake...when my sensor operator dared to bother
me...WHAT??? I asked in a fairly irritated tone.

Um...Sir...I seem to be picking up long range scans of some ships inbound.

Ships? Out here? Gee we are in a shipping lane...of course there will be

True sir...but these ships have active sensors and are scanning. Not the
passive like I was using to conserve power. And um...they are powerful

So....come to yellow alert...bring up the phaser banks...have all ships
load a Scatter Pack...and arm the Disruptors...set us to Weapon Status 2.

The ship lazily moves to action stations...all other ships including the
Free Traders and the one possible ship that may or may not be a Free
trader...all responded ready after a while.

Looking up I see the sensor operator saying something else.

Sir...incoming ships...4 Lyran ships...3 Cruisers and  police frigate at
Weapons Status 3

Well people...looks like we get to earn the money that they are paying us
this trip. Battle stations. Launch Scatter Packs.

And so began the battle near...nowhere really.

On Imp 1 12 shuttles blasted away from their ships heading towards the
incoming mass of Lyrans.

On Impulse 7 the speedy Lyrans running at 21 to our 9...closed to range 15
on Free Trader 7 and his shuttle and unloaded on them without warning I
might add. 3 disruptors at the shuttle from Sparkles with two hitting and
destroying it. 4 disruptors from the yang and 2 from the cheetah...with 4
of the 6 hitting...doing 12 damage to the front 12 point shield minus 1
point of reinforcement almost dropping his shield.

Free Trader 7 turned to direct C from B and headed away. The rest of my FTs
and squadron continued on. On imp 10...the 11 remaining shuttle belched
forth 54 drones. The imp 11 the shuttles were tractored and drawn into
their respective hanger bays.

For some reason the Lyrans did not seem eager to meet the 54 drones.

On Impulse 11 The Nova fired 2 disruptors and 4 phaser 1s and Sparkles
number 6. With 2 more disruptors from Gargoyle. 12 damage occurred but only
8 hit the shield as 4 points of reinforcement appeared.

The Lyrans turned off and headed away in direction F instead of heading
right at us in E.

Toward the end of the turn they turned back towards us. we closed till we
were mostly at range 15...imp 32 came with us between 9 and 16...and one
set of 4 drones at range 1 to the Lyrans.

They identified 3 of the 4 as being targeted on Sprinkles. the rest of the
54? Who knows.. At this time we had more fire. All Zin Frigates unleashed
their full might. 5 Disruptors and 8 Phaser 1s at range 15 or less. 17
points hit his number 6 16 point shield...and we blew the hull out of
him...OK..one hull.

Next turn started...with the Gargoyle at range 16 firing 2 Disruptors and 4
phaser ones. Both disruptors hit and all phasers missed. So 4 more damage.
A Aux Bridge...2 Front Hull and Phaser 3 died. Imp two...the now speed 24
Lyran ships...and my speed 14 Fts and 15 DDs and FFs were waiting to see
how he exploded. Unfortunately...all Lyran ships HETed. To direction B and
the cowards started heading off. A few impulses later Sparkels dropped his
rear shield and tossed a couple of T bombs into the path of some drones.
They took out 19 drones. On imp 7...the Cheetah also dropped number 4 and
transported a single T bomb out. Looks like more drones will probably die.
At this point...we had to call it a night.

Stay tuned for more exciting ADVENTURES IN SPACE!!!!....(Announcer voice
over optional)

Brought to you by Chuck (Filling in for Frank) and John.
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