Dramatic SFB: War of Attrition battles to be fought.
Charles Carroll
mastrvran at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 15:47:15 PDT 2018
Of the 22 scenarios I have this turn. 16 are auto won or lost and 1 was
dropped without resolution as no one bothered to show up.
so 5 remain...they will involve the following encounters.
The Great Green Gorn
#2271 Convoy Raid seems to have decided to intercept a well guarded convoy
carrying needed medicinal supplies. (Fine wines and hookers for the
Admirals birthday party.) I am assuming they will withdraw post haste.
69th Border Squad
#2339 Cannisters My lone...Inspector appears to have been sent in error to
check on some Cannisters detected floating in space. Upon arriving he
noticed the Federation ships collecting what appears to be their
cannisters. Realizing this was an error...he waved to them...turned and
headed off. Glad that the space junk was being efficiently removed and
happy he was not tasked with such an extensive chore...as he had just his
one ship. This encounter is over as far as I am concerned. We withdraw.
In a different area of Federation Border with the GodKing
#2398 Passing the Baton This appears to be possibly a battle for the
history books assuming it takes place.The forces involved are large and
well prepared. This could be the end of many ships. I await the immense
escalation of the brewing border situation between the Evil Federation and
the Peaceful Romulan Empire. I await contact from the GodKings invasive
#2399 Convoy Raid Being advised of illegal goods upon a Convoy passing near
Romulan Space The Heavy Battle Cruiser Gladius was dispatched to escort a
Customs Inspection ship to determine if there was a need to stop and search
them. Upon arrival...3 Federation warships were detected escorting the
freighters. It appears with this kind of escort that something is just not
as it should be. The Gladius will demand they stop to be boarded and
inspected as per interstellar law 243 of the Commerce Bureau, Paragraph 3,
subsection D page 492,560,124.
Peladine Border
#2401 Convoy Raid Arriving at a passing convoy my Customs Inspector
realized he might be slightly out classed and called in reinforcements. The
Battle Fleet lead by Hotel California responded. This appears to be
something that needs to be investigated. As such...we shall close and
require them to stand to and be boarded for a customs inspection. We
sincerely hope they do not resist. They are new to this area of space and a
battle at this time might escalate and cause irreparable harm to any future
diplomatic talks between us. I await word as to when and if we need to
continue this.
Chuck...Grand Admiral of the Romulan Fleet....among his many titles and
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