Dramatic SFB: Territorial Marking Fleet T9 Ready to Advance

Boyd Steere boydsteere at gmail.com
Thu May 17 15:08:20 PDT 2018

All of my scenarios are now resolved.

*Lyran Front*
> *Convoy Raid #996 (Kzinti victory by default)*
> Alarming rumors circulated that our ancient enemy had *no* intention of
> attacking us during this time cycle.  The Kzinti admiralty immediately sent
> a maximum force of ships to defend a convoy near the Lyran front from an
> imminent strike.  The captain of the destroyer *Sprays Dens of Traitors *spent
> ten weeks leading the three-ship task force in searching every moon and
> asteroid along the convoy's route, but never did discover where the enemy
> fleet was lurking.
> "They laid their ambush so well, they entirely escaped detection",
> muttered the captain, his eyes narrowed. "The ancient enemy is devious in
> this way. . ."
> *Federation Front*
> Our treaty with the humans and their leaf-eating allies is holding.  No
> combat.
> *Klingon Front*
> No combat.
> *Rival Kzinti Front*
> *A Very Special Ally #987 **(Territorial Marking Fleet victory by
> withdrawal)*
> It's universally agreed by all civilized species that space monsters are
> among the most glorious of beings to hunt.  We were therefore not surprised
> to find our rival Kzinti house that goes by the motto 'Drones, Liquor, and
> Catnip' pursuing such creatures near our border with a medium command
> cruiser, a new heavy cruiser, and a war destroyer.
> We crashed the hunting party with a task force led by the command cruiser *Carotid
> Tooth*, which was accompanied by the battle tug *Heroic Beast* and the
> medium scout cruiser *Hears Pawsteps*.
> (Bram has indicated that he will withdraw his ships from this scenario
> based on the balance of forces present)
> *Refugee Flight #988 (Rival Kzinti House victory by default)*
> Last quarter, our rivals sent ships to this sector to prevent us from
> expanding the front between our two territories.  Thinking our enemies
> inclined towards maintaining the status quo, we did not expect them to
> launch their own assault to expand the border this quarter, and so we sent
> no ships to defend refugee ships from a clan on the losing side of a
> baronial succession conflict.  Truly, their strategy is inspired by catnip.
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