Dramatic SFB: Imperial Romulan Armada status update

Daniel Crispin calendyr at hotmail.com
Wed May 9 18:24:11 PDT 2018

Great Green Gorn border

No battle to report.  Gorns were not found where our patrols ventured and none of their patrols found us.

Jindarian border

No battle to report.  We scanned all the asteroids we could find and none were Jindarian ships.  None of our colonies or convoys came under attack.

Pavarian Border

The Pavarian ships fled at the sigh of our mighty Armada.  One of their convoy seems to want to defy us.  We are counting the seconds as we close in to wreck their fleet and capture their

planet in the name of the Romulan Empire!

Praetor Calendyr

Romulan Imperial Armada
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