Dramatic SFB: Territorial Marking Fleet T9 Update

Boyd Steere boydsteere at gmail.com
Wed May 9 16:08:51 PDT 2018

*Lyran Front*

*Convoy Raid #996 (Kzinti victory by default)*

Alarming rumors circulated that our ancient enemy had *no* intention of
attacking us during this time cycle.  The Kzinti admiralty immediately sent
a maximum force of ships to defend a convoy near the Lyran front from an
imminent strike.  The captain of the destroyer *Sprays Dens of Traitors *spent
ten weeks leading the three-ship task force in searching every moon and
asteroid along the convoy's route, but never did discover where the enemy
fleet was lurking.

"They laid their ambush so well, they entirely escaped detection", muttered
the captain, his eyes narrowed. "The ancient enemy is devious in this way.
. ."

*Federation Front*

Our treaty with the humans and their leaf-eating allies is holding.  No

*Klingon Front*

No combat.

*Rival Kzinti Front*

*A Very Special Ally #987 (Unresolved)*

It's universally agreed by all civilized species that space monsters are
among the most glorious of beings to hunt.  We were therefore not surprised
to find our rival Kzinti house that goes by the motto 'Drones, Liquor, and
Catnip' pursuing such creatures near our border with a medium command
cruiser, a new heavy cruiser, and a war destroyer.

We crashed the hunting party with a task force led by the command
cruiser *Carotid
Tooth*, which was accompanied by the battle tug *Heroic Beast* and the
medium scout cruiser *Hears Pawsteps*.

(We will play out this battle if our opponent wishes to contest our claim
to this hunting territory)

*Refugee Flight #988 (Rival Kzinti House victory by default)*

Last quarter, our rivals sent ships to this sector to prevent us from
expanding the front between our two territories.  Thinking our enemies
inclined towards maintaining the status quo, we did not expect them to
launch their own assault to expand the border this quarter, and so we sent
no ships to defend refugee ships from a clan on the losing side of a
baronial succession conflict.  Truly, their strategy is inspired by catnip.
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