Dramatic SFB: T3 Pow Pow
Charles Carroll
mastrvran at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 11:57:13 PDT 2018
The following events have occurred with some reports still outstanding due
to Unresolved portential battles
#1222 Evcuate Observatory Defender I won vs TF69 No ships were sent by the
#1239 Colony Raid Defender Paravian Wins since we would never attack a poor
bunch of settlers.
#1257 Prospecting Raid Defender I won vs Evil Spock who seems to have
decided not to try and steal from the mighy Romulan Empire.
#1260 Diplomatic Immunity Defender Fusion Fighters Won I decided naturally
to avoid a diplomatic incident.
#1261 Probe Recovery Attacker I won vs Fusion Fighters decided to allow my
ships to recover our missing probe and so sent no one to bother us.
#1262 Terrain Def w/ground Combat Defender won Terran Empire. Again the
Peaceful Romulans refrained from attacking innocent civilians.
Fights to still be decided
#1231 The Morey Eel of Space BH and Snipe vs CW-u,DwL-u and SR+ Declar
unrimmtting War on Lyrans Damage Required 120 Each additional att 6
In this particular case of unwarranted massive aggression by the Long Lanky
Lyrans Who also appear to be despicable, we will fight to our dying breath
to defend this planet from both the Eel, which is a simple animal...and
from someone who represents themselves as being a civilized culture but who
would be willing to see an entire planet's civilization destroyed for its
on dastardly desires. Know this Long Lanky Lyrans...should you persist in
helping the Eel by hindering our ships from saving this planet and its
women, children, men and elderly...we will consider this an act of Genocide
and will pursue you to the ends of the Universe until no Lyran anywhere
Chuck Emperor of Rome has so decreed.
We await your decision on the fate of your Race.
#1245 Listening Post Withdraw Nothing I wanted to listen to badly enough
#1250 Cargo Tug Bh and Snipe and Tug Vs CA Should the 2cd Class Gorn wish
to actually commit to this folly we stand ready to agree to send his
survivors home after we have captured his ship.
#1253 Technology Sabotage BH vs an Imperial Terran Federation DD. The
Romulan Empire naturally will defend the research station to the fullest of
our ships ability. While we understand your need to try and become
something more than a 3rd rate empire...remember stealing from your betters
is never a good answer. We might notice you if you succeed and that would
be very bad for you.
Update supplied by the Council for dissemination of information to foreign
Star Empires and those pretending to be.
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