Dramatic SFB: Fleet Reports from the Front
Charles Carroll
mastrvran at gmail.com
Mon May 7 20:20:52 PDT 2018
The following borders have reported in...
Hostile Militia #893 A group of irate Militia were going to attack an
abandoned Romulan outpost on the planet WhoCares. The Paravians got in
their way and seem to have killed off the Militia. At least according to
the onsite cameras we still had up and running. It appears that the
Paravians realizing they could move into quarters better than the slums
they had been living in...have taken over our base and so our border with
them has expanded.
Convoy Raid #894 The Paravians Convoy was smuggling Romulan Ale unescorted.
They did not get far. The ale was confiscated along with the convoy. In a
feeling of generosity...the Romulan High Command has seen fit to offer the
ships and most of the items minus of course the Romulan Ale back to the
Paravians at a Discount.
Great Gorn Confederation
Base Defense #910 We had a tramp freighter pass by an old base of the Gorn.
They claimed in News announcements that they had beaten off our massive
attack fleet. We allowed them their moment of glory.
Colony Raid #911 Our planet with its massive defenses received word that it
might be hit with a Gorn Raiding party. It seems they went off course or at
least got wise and failed to appear.
Dragon Attack #912 It was reported to us that some Dragons were visiting
our Gorn Neighbors. Not wanting to interfere in their strange mating habits
we politely did not attend.
Banshee's #913 A pack of rabid Banshees swarmed one of our stations. Pest
control was called in and the vermin removed. This opened up another Border
with the Gorn when we tracked the banshees back and found a nice little
world to colonize near the asteroids they had come from.
Listening Post #914 It appears the Gorn have set up a listening post. Near
one of our worlds. Obviously they need some real music to listen to and we
would not have the heart to stop them from maybe one day acquiring some
shred of culture.
69th Border Squadron of the Federation
Refugee Flight #969 No one even bothered to show up for these space
Gypsies. Their ships naturally malfunctioned and were last seen plunging
into a nearby sun.
Colony Raid #970 As expected...the raid failed to materialize.
Base Defense #971 No defense of the Federation Base was required. We did
not bother showing up..nor did they...we are not even sure that base still
Cargo Tug #972 picked up its cargo and made yet another uneventful trip.
Federation Border with the silly titled GodKings of the Federation....
Convoy Raid #1004 Never happened because we wanted nothing from the convoy.
Convoy Raid #1005 Also never happened. Seems the Feds didn't like our stuff
Banshees #1006 No one showed up there...not even the banshees
The morey eel of space #1007 If you have seen one eel...you have seen more
eels than you need to. We decided to watch stay home and play a friendly
game of Fizbin
Jindarian Border
Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #949 What is wrong with these Jindarian's. Do
they believe every rock in space is theirs even if it is clearly within our
territory??? Fortunately the Jindarian Border fleet was once again in the
right spot to see their poaching. At this time we are closing in to teach
these interlopers another lesson. Stay tuned for another exciting update as
we teach the Jindarian's to stay out of our space.
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