Dramatic SFB: T9 Flaming Rage

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Mon May 7 18:58:24 PDT 2018

 Flaming Rage:
Klingon border,  #989 (terrain defence with ground combat) Flaming Rage adjusted Klingon border (internal Lyran political differences) Ally maintained.
Peladine border, Lyran gains three scenario wins. Treaty maintained.
Other Borders, No battles on the Gorn (Great Green), Hydran (Hawkmen), Kzinti (Territorial Marking Fleet), Hydran (Menage a Trois) borders (first of three turn agreement maintained).
Kzinti (Drones Catnip and Liquor), two scenarios are the Lyrans .Scenario #984 Convoy raid, defender Lyran 4x DW+uBp, SC+, attacker Kzinti CCH, DWy, NCA (this is looking like a heavy battle, the Lyrans are up against two heavy cruisers in this battle). 
All good
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