Dramatic SFB: End of turn, and campaign for me

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 19:04:14 PST 2018

I wish You would reconsider leaving I really enjoyed are games we were
playing. I had 15 QWts on my ships and 14 more on the fighters. At weapon
status 1 only two fighters were armed and even if launched impulse 1 and
then  could not fire until imp18. My max speed was 16 for my ships and 9
for the FTs. Your PPDs plastered the DWL turn 1 and my QWTs did not even
get to your ships weakened by the wall of shuttles you built plus your
phasers on the ships. If you had launched your Plasmas at me there was
nothing i could do but eat them with no WW ready. My ships could have
turned out and avoided them the FTs could not have. 44 power on the CC 4
house keeping 8PPds. Still leaves 30 points of power. (the CA would be the
same) Turn 2 avoid QWTs. Turn 3 turn in and plaster anther ship with the
PPDs. Turn 4 Plasma launch.

Your turn 1 was fantastic You i think became discouraged when you realized
i was going to disengage the FTs and win the scenario. I had the same
problem trying to get after a convoy they just turned out and ran away
forcing me back and away with torps. Drone using races do that as well and
at any weapon status. I was playing for the win. I really thought was going
to lose a ship this battle.

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 9:01 PM, Daniel Crispin via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Ok so I just completed the turn.
> I will be retiring from this campaign.  There is just no way I can beat
> the QWTs.  I have tried everything and nothing is working.  When a race
> have PPDs on every ship and that those PPDs can fire every turn, it makes
> for an unbeatable race.  In the last scenario I played I was facing 22-40
> torps per turn at range 13+ if I accept to loose a ship to dive through it
> (can't jam those things, ECM is useless against them) at it takes 17 points
> of phaser damage to remove 1 torp...  Then when I get in weapons range I
> will be facing an other wave of 22+ torps.  There is just no way to win
> against it unless you have overwhelming force, but then the battle won't
> happen... will it?
> You can do what you want, it's your campaign, but allowing races like the
> Pavarians and Frax to be playable, it not really fair.  These races are
> overpowered at equal BPV, I see no reason no to stick to the original races
> that were very balanced against one an other.
> Anyway, have fun guys!
> Calendyr
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