Dramatic SFB: Kzinti Territorial Marking Fleet

Boyd Steere boydsteere at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 15:07:50 PST 2018

*Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #339 *
[On the bridge of the command cruiser *Carotid Tooth*]

SENSOR OPERATOR: Conn sensors, Alley Cat One is turning . . . to *intercept*.
Range 110.

CAPTAIN: <Ears perk as whiskers flare> They're brave.

FIRST OFFICER: <Tail flicks in irritation> They're fools

CAPTAIN: <Frowns> Brave fools, perhaps.  But those are the most dangerous
kinds, and we will respect that danger.  Deflectors up.  Arm drones and

WEAPONS OFFICER: Conn weps, aye.  Turning master keys on drone racks One
through Four to 'ARMED' position.  Dis -

SENSOR OPERATOR: Conn sensors, Alley Cat One is turning again . . . moving
to disengage.  Confirmed, they've entered high warp.

FIRST OFFICER: <Rubbing muzzle in paw> That's . . . troubling.  Mister
Vaff-Over-Technician, did you get an identification of that ship?

SENSOR OPERATOR: It was the *Fang*, sir.

CAPTAIN: We must be sure to remember that one; its captain is
unpredictable.  All ahead full to the target.

*All scenarios resolved.  Territorial Marking Fleet is ready to advance*

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 2:24 PM Boyd Steere via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Shore leave is the order for the officers and crew of most of the
> Territorial Marking Fleet, with over two thirds of its tonnage assigned to
> drydock at Hero's Dewclaw Naval Yards for major refits.  The decision to
> upgrade the fleet came at the cost of an opportunity to launch a major
> offensive against our rival Kzinti House.  But the new C-racks will allow a
> 50% increase in drone launch rate for greater firepower in future
> engagements, and the expanded magazines of the B-racks and the ADD-12's
> will provide more staying power on the field.
> *Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #339 *
> Not every crew member is enjoying hunting parks and carousing on Kzin.
> The command cruiser *Carotid Tooth* is dispatched to raid an asteroid
> belt in Lyran space after SIGINT decrypts chatter between civilian
> prospecting ships regarding a newly-discovered source of dilithium crystals
> there.  Upon arrival, long range sensors detect warp engine signatures
> consistent with an enemy Alley Cat class war-destroyer.  It's clear that
> our old foe is outmatched this day, and the order is given to take the
> dilithium crystals by force.
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