Dramatic SFB: The Great Gorn Confederation (GGC) Report

Roch Chartrand R.Chartrand at Videotron.qc.ca
Sat Jan 13 06:24:03 PST 2018

Paravians Border


#269 Convoy Raid  Scenario to be resolved


While on escort duty the Iron Fang patrol detected Paravians ships on
intercept course.  All ships raised shields and prepared to protect the


#270 Convoy Raid  Scenario to be resolved


A Paravians cross over Gorn space, Death Stump squadron was sent to
investigate and escort the Paravians back to Paravians space. 



Federation Border


#281 Colony Raid  GGC AutoWin


Report of a raid in Colony T5-281 was found to be false, can activity in the
expansion of the colony run it course.


#282 Planeraty Bombardement  Drop


In order to keep relation stable with Federation neighbor, war game plan and
exercise where no conducted to full scale. 


#283 Space Boards  GGC AutoWin


BDD Kalessin successfully repel the space board nuisance from sector T5-283.


#284 A Very Special Ally  Drop


Space monster where detected in an obscure part of sector T5-284, and no
unit was available to investigate further. 



Jindarian Border


#285 Convoy Raid  Jindo AutoWin


A Jindarian convoy was detected close to Gorn border, but after verification
of identity and status it was cleared.



Romulan Border


#286 Prospecting Raid  Scenario to be resolved


While on a long range exploration patrol Death Dance detected a very large
and rich area of resource to exploit.  It also detected a present of a new
race in the vicinity.


#287 Terrain Defence  Romulan Autowin


Report that a new race was setting up installation on planet T5-M-287, could
not be investigated at this moment.


#288 Planet Crusher  Romulan Autowin


Long range observation detected a planet crusher in area T5-288 but for some
unexplained raison it move away of what seem to be a suitable planet to feed



Look like I have 3 scenarios to resolve in one way or other.  I'm in the
process of preparing my fleets to resolved them thru the SFBOL tactical
system.  Channel that have been open will continue to be monitor and
official replay should come thru sometime today. 

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