Dramatic SFB: Errors with Fed BPV values in the client

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Aug 2 19:33:14 PDT 2021

> /All X ships: T-VII are included in the standard BPV. T-VII are fast 
> drones by default./
> There is a pretty big problem in the database.  I've been looking at 
> the X-ships and the costs for them are way off... I am guessing that 
> perhaps you added a surcharge for the fast drones, but X-ships have 
> type VII drones already included in their BP


Some of you found an error in the Database. X-ships are being charged 
for fast drones. I knew about (FP11.13) when I put together the 
database, so plasma ships are not being charged for Sabots, but I didn't 
know about (XFD10.1).

This affects roughly 180 ships, spread across the Federation, Frax, 
Klingon, Kzinti, Lyran, Orion, Peladine, and WYN. I'm not in a position 
to fix this at this moment, nor will I likely to be for some months.


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